Fat experiences

Reasons to pig out/stuff

In general, this is a community against wasting food, so any opportunity to eat rather than throw away food is a valid excuse to keep eating past societal norms. I have been keeping a mental list of reasons to be "allowed" to stuff either myself or to give someone else:

-the food banks have nutritional guidelines and won't take most baked desserts, so anything not eaten will have to be thrown away since it can't be donated.

- there is not enough left to set aside for leftovers or this really isn't as good once reheated, so go ahead and finish this so I can wash the dishes.

- I need to make room in the fridge/panty, so I want you to eat this today.

- we have a long drive home and don't want this to spill in my car, so we can't take it home with us when we leave.

- We paid for this and want to get our money's worth.

- I'm not sure there is going to be anything to eat when we get there, so you better eat first; *eats*; ; *Gets there* I made too much so please eat plenty there is no way I could eat all of this before it goes bad/ I made this just for you since I know you don't x/y/z.

Please add any I forgot or tell any stories to related to times this has happened for you.
1 year