Fat experiences

Do beauty standards change with age?

So this question isn’t about intentional gaining - nothing wrong with that, but not my experience. For me, like a lot of girls and guys, I exited my 20s at a different weight than I entered. I think like a lot of people if you had asked me at 19 I would have said I thought the athletic body or at least thin.

Then I met my husband, he was four years older and out of college and had a cute belly that seemed so natural on him. We moved in together and he got a little bigger and I filled out. Going out to eat and beers left it’s mark. I didn’t mind Kev’s extra weight and figured I was just growing into full adulthood.

We got married a couple years later. I lost 10 pounds and the little pudge around my tummy. Kev made noises about slimming down but didn’t. After we got married we still went out lots but also cooked, and Kev started to really carry big. For me it wasn’t as fast but I definitely got pudgy and chubby. I noticed but just accepted it. Not being an exercise person, and with a bigger husband - it just happened.

Now at 31 I kind of like my weight, or at least think it’s cute. And I can’t imagine Kev without his belly. And if I look at other guys (just look) my eyes are drawn to the bigger ones.

So there I am. I know for lots of people they were hardwired to see heavier people as attractive. For me it sort of came with time. Have others had this experience?

31 isn't old, imo. But those in happy relationships tend to not feel the same pressure to conform to soceital beauty norms and their single counterparts.
1 year

Do beauty standards change with age?

I think they do indeed. But I know as I’m into my mid 30’s, I couldn’t care less about a lot of things 20 something me would’ve cared more about.
1 year

Do beauty standards change with age?

Ive noticed most older men are more openly attracted to larger women
1 year

Do beauty standards change with age?

I feel as a man ages he stops caring as much of what other people think younger men from my experience are just much more conscious of family and friends but start to care about what they desire much more
1 year

Do beauty standards change with age?

I’d say it’s true peoples’ preferences change with age and with their weight gains. If you’d have told me as a teenager I’d ever reach 200 pounds and my wife would be 325 pounds, I’d have thought you were nuts. But that’s indeed how each of us have evolved and we wouldn’t take each other any other way :-)
1 year