Body inflation

Cake shake tips?

I'm gonna try a cake shake for the first time this week. Any tips I should know going in?
1 year

Cake shake tips?

Be prepared for it to expand. Depending on how quickly you drink it you should prepared for it to expand more in your stomach.

The shake goes down pretty easily but once it starts expanding it may feel like you swallowed a bag of bricks which can be very pleasurable and the resulting bloat is glorious 🥰

that's completely true. I did it 3 times in a week. I also gained a lot with it
1 year

Cake shake tips?

How do you make a cake shake?
1 year

Cake shake tips?

400ml heavy whipped cream with 200grams of cake mix and a little milk until the consistency is good to drink. meanwhile day 7 in a row and i am much softer than last week
1 year

Cake shake tips?

400ml heavy whipped cream with 200grams of cake mix and a little milk until the consistency is good to drink. meanwhile day 7 in a row and i am much softer than last week

Best cake mix to use for the taste? Tried it with Vanilla cake and it was so disgustingly sweet. I heard Yellow cake is used but they don't sell it in my country.
1 year