Fat experiences

Happy thanksgiving to all my fatties and all our supporters!!!

Saw my family for thanksgiving for the first time in a few years due to Covid and just being busy this time of the year… last time I had seen some of these people I was 150 pounds or so lighter lol not a word was spoken about my weight just asked how I’ve been what I’ve been doing. One thing though is that When we were getting served pie I got a extra thick slice and a piece of apple pie with a extra scoop of ice cream, everyone else got sliver of pumpkin pie and a measly scoop of ice cream lol. Put down like 3 plates full of all the fixings not a huge turkey fan personally, all about the tatters and stuffing, green beans and scalped corn yo.

Honestly I hope this is the reaction everyone gets if they decide to get fat! Don’t let people wear you down if they decide to be butts about how you choose to live! Have a nice day!
1 year