Fattening others

Fasting as a tool to gain

So I have decided to try something out and it seems to be working for me… I went and fasted one whole day… the last 4 h of the fast I spent on feabie working up an appetite…

The goal is to stuff myself like crazy all day breakfast is 3300 cal
2 1200 cal snacksduring ghe day
And then before bed a stuffing for therest 2000 cal meal and 2000 cal weight gain shake chug…
I don’t know how optimal the strategy is for gaining but for stuffing yourself and eating more in one day seems to be working amazing.
10 months

Fasting as a tool to gain

Fasting has different effects on everyone, but it can be a useful tool for slowing your metabolism. I’m sure you’ve seen someone who suffered from restrictive eating rapidly gain 10+ lbs once they recovered. Much of that comes from their body’s slower metabolism. Other ways to mimic this effect come from a sedentary lifestyle and alcohol consumption. That’s right! Alcohol isn’t just useful for easy liquid calories. Taken during the post-meal metabolic window, it will inhibit your ability to do much more with fat than to store it. Alcoholic gainer shakes with high fat content are close to the best science can come up with for rapid weight gain.
10 months