Submission and domination

Long distance

Me and my dom live quiet a bit apart and decided to try to do this long distance. The goal is for me to gain but to not only eat junkfood but also healthy. I have to send him pictures of the food I made and my empty plate, but I feel like there is more we could do to keep it interesting and help with motivation/dicipline. I am very new to this and would love some suggestions.
9 months

Long distance

Make a gainer and report weekly whether you gain or loose weight and share rewards for gaining and sanctions for loosing.
It is great fun.

Heel veel succes. Het hangt er ook vanaf wat je voorkeuren zijn. Een beetje creatief zijn en wat durven helpt wel.
9 months

Long distance

What's most important is figuring out what turns you on when it comes to submitting? What gets you into subspace? What about your dom? Go from there.

Here are a few things I have done that have worked well in remote feeding situations:

1) reporting my steps taken throughout the day
2) asking permission to do an activity
3) getting approval for an outfit
4) agreeing on rules/conduct when actively playing and engaging in fun times - this helps keep expectations clear, establish safewords, figuring out boundaries, and creating more fun and dynamic. For example there is one person I've worked with who had a rule that if he asked a certain question, I had to give the same response - it was a way of keeping me in that subspace and it's really effective!

It's REALLY important when doms and subs work together to have a strong idea of what is and isn't okay starting out, and safe communication for when those things change and how to ask for what we need (whether, more, less, or something new entirely). That will point you in the right direction better.
9 months