
Maxing out one's liquid chugs

You are right about temperature. I have used a large funnel with a large hose and tap to increase speed when drinking (non-fizzy) beer. I could do 3 UK pints in about 30-40 seconds that way
9 months

Maxing out one's liquid chugs

Max Stout:
The bar you set leaves mine in the dust spitting out gravel, and moreover leaves me wondering if by 'tap' you mean an inline on/valve or spigot, and whether your funnel is of necessity three quarts.

Oh and could you possibly swallow and attain that kind of rate as it goes down, whew!

The trick is not to keep swallowing but just to open your throat. It takes some practice.
3 UK pints is less than 2 litres. My funnel is a 2 litre plastic bottle with the bottom cut out and a hanging device made out of coat hanger wire to allow it to be suspended above me whilst I sit below. The tubing is 1 1/4 inch with a full flow ball valve.
9 months

Maxing out one's liquid chugs

Max Stout:
Whether your 1-1/4" tube size is inner diameter or outer diameter is of interest*, and silicone tubing seems like the best choice (to avoid BPA and phthalates).

(*) Said the guy whose last rushed post confused quarts and pints, *blush!*

As regards the detail of my setup, I am guilty of an exaggeration as I had not used it for a couple of years. The valve is a 3/4" and has a short piece of 3/4" hard plastic pipe coming out of the end that goes in the mouth. The other end has a short length of 1/2" hard pipe with the flexible PVC pipe pushed over it and clamped. The flexible pipe is around 3/4" internal diameter. At its other end it is pushed over the neck/screw of the bottle and clamped. All pipe sizes mentioned are internal.

Sorry for this rather nerdy description. The thrill for me was to see how quickly I could drink the 3 pints by just opening my throat. I did on one occasion sucessfully manage two lots of 3 pints with about 30 minutes between (to allow some stomach stretching).
9 months

Maxing out one's liquid chugs

Max Stout:
Whether your 1-1/4" tube size is inner diameter or outer diameter is of interest*, and silicone tubing seems like the best choice (to avoid BPA and phthalates).

(*) Said the guy whose last rushed post confused quarts and pints, *blush!*

Had the gal who used to be on here, Emily, whose profile pic once featured a tantalizing glimpse of the pink or purple funnel toward which she expressed particular fondness, ever replied to my message to her, I would so have asked for details about her setup, seeing how she (1) was so clearly into weight gain, and (2) put so much effort into every detail of her creations!

Emily was also the name of her funnel smiley
9 months