Feedback and suggestions

Moderate change to recommended stories population

It would be really nice if the way the order of recommended stories didnt just throw 20 pages of premium before a single one of the non-premium options appeared. I know that exposure is important for stories and their writers, but that was a bit of a slog. Something more akin to how pictures works would be more palatable of a balance between exposure of premium vs non-premium.

I am not even exaggerating when I say I had to scroll through 20 pages before the first non-premium title appeared. I even thought for a sec that the stories had legit just gone entirely premium. Its kinda frustrating when you aren't looking to spend money all the time. I get story exposure for premium so they can get perspective buyers, and I don't even think its bad to give them high priority, but 0 stories that aren't premium for over a dozen pages is a little aggregious.
7 months

Moderate change to recommended stories population

Seconded. I thought all stories had become premium and had to order by oldest. Very off-putting and frustrating. It just encourages seeking stories elsewhere.
7 months

Moderate change to recommended stories population

It’s my fault, I think. It was broken in the other way before (premium stories were almost invisible), and they made a change that broke the forums for a day and made it like this. I’m with you where there should be a middle ground. But sorry, it was my suggestion.
7 months