
Thinking about regaining

So last year I gained 40lbs, most of it in a couple months. And it felt amazing to feel myself growing fatter each day, my clothes getting smaller and smaller until I would buy larger sizes, until those became smaller and smaller, being constantly full and very often overly full... It was... Heaven - kink wise of course.

At the end of it though, I think I started getting paranoid about my health (not that my doctor had actually seen or told me anything, and I never stopped working out while gaining) and about how this kink was controlling my life. Which, to be fair, I did have to spend a fair amount of time and money eating (& then being horny about it)....

Anyway, I've since lost the weight but I just came back from a holiday about 3lbs heavier in a week and now this is all I can think about... How good it would feel to regain the weight - and how fast it might happen too since it'd be a regain! I don't think I should - especially after the hell of taking 6+ months to lose the weight - but I could barely stop myself at the airport from ordering enough food for 3.

Regardless, even though I'm back from my vacation, I've not stopped eating like I was on it - if not more aggressively. When I gained I also did so with heavy cream and I really want see how quickly I'd gain on a regain with a week or so of HC.

So we'll see where this goes... Maybe I'll just put on a bit of "holiday" weight and then lose it.
5 months

Thinking about regaining

Update: since this was written a couple months ago, I've re-gained almost 15lbs. Specifically, I slowly regained 10lbs over two ish months, stayed there for a while, and now just gained 5lbs in two weeks or so.

Some part of me is conflicted, but it's also been very hot to suddenly start feeling all my (new) clothes feel tight again. My jeans barely button, a lot of my sweaters and my button-downs are getting visibly stretched, etc. I'm glad I kept all my clothes from when I was heavier, because I might start wearing them soon.

Craziest part is this has all occurred more or less naturally. I thought I had returned to eating normally but looking back on it, there definitely were multiple nights I stuffed myself with dinner and chips and ice cream saying "once in a while can't hurt" y'know. Then, I eventually noticed and fought back a bit to try not to gain any more weight when I was almost up 10lbs.

Recently though, I had midterms and some other stressful things going on so I decided to just eat everything I wanted and focus on my studies... So, in the end I spent two weeks just constantly eating everything I could while working/studying for exams. Bought all my old favorites, except for heavy cream. I knew I would gain a bit, but 2.5lbs/week matches my rate back when I was using heavy cream and protein powder to specifically gain - I'd heard regains were often faster than gaining, but actually feeling how fast my body goes back to what it was is very hot (though some part of me thinks concerning).

Now I'm on the fence about whether to gain hard for a month or so and give in to my cravings for heavy cream lol, to just continue what I'm doing, or to dial back.
2 months

Thinking about regaining

I'm interested in another update if you decide to continue gaining. I see some overlap in experiences (as I'm sure we all do) and have been on the fence about regaining, so I'm enjoying living vicariously through your initial regain. Maybe even a little inspired.
1 month

Thinking about regaining

Boops Boops:
I'm interested in another update if you decide to continue gaining. I see some overlap in experiences (as I'm sure we all do) and have been on the fence about regaining, so I'm enjoying living vicariously through your initial regain. Maybe even a little inspired.

Been doing some regaining myself after losing about 75 pounds, would love to chat! 🙂
4 weeks

Thinking about regaining

I'm regaining after losing about 40 lbs too! It's so exhilirating to just give up whatever semblance of control around food I spent so long to re-develop. I'm excited to see if any of the regained weight distributes itself differently. I hope you're enjoying your regain too!
3 weeks