
What was your "i can't believe i ate the whole thing" moment?

For my wife, the latest was the chocolate. I got two whole bars of cacao with novel favors that we could share. They vanished in literal SECONDS as soon as I turned my head away.

I couldn't even be mad. Big girl's gotta eat, and they're doing good use filling the world with more of herself.
4 months

What was your "i can't believe i ate the whole thing" moment?

Definitely would be the time we were at a party and there was a bread bowl/cobloaf which was left unattended... it disappeared in minutes and everyone came back to the food table confused 😭🤣
4 months

What was your "i can't believe i ate the whole thing" moment?

Two footlong Subway sandwiches. Thry didn't fill me up at all.
4 months
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