

Right now I’m not on any particular schedule I eat whatever whenever I want, (so I’m putting on a lot of weight lol, happens every year) but when I am in full season mode I tend to skip a full on lunch and go for a large breakfast and just glut myself at dinner, my idea is that there’s never gonna be an ammount of food where I’m both satisfied and feel comfortable afterwards I’m simply to gluttonous for a normal meal so I eat a snack granted my snack might be considered a full on meal to some but to me it’s a snack
4 months


I need some advice from fellow gluttons. I’ve reached a point with my stomach’s capacity that despite packing as much food in my lunch as possible it takes me the full hour I have to eat it all, and I’m not satisfied. I’m left wanting more. It’s a balanced meal and not just junk, which I prefer because I want to live this lifestyle for as long as possible, but I’m hoping for some advice on how to make the most of the hour I have to sate my appetite in the middle of the day.

I have the same problem, but I get 30 or at best, 40 minutes to eat. If I rush I get indigestion or heartburn and it seems like it's never enough. LOL! (I also can't eat while working.) So when I can, I get a "second lunch" drive through after work, and then push dinner a bit later. But it's frustrating when this happens!
4 months


I need some advice from fellow gluttons. I’ve reached a point with my stomach’s capacity that despite packing as much food in my lunch as possible it takes me the full hour I have to eat it all, and I’m not satisfied. I’m left wanting more. It’s a balanced meal and not just junk, which I prefer because I want to live this lifestyle for as long as possible, but I’m hoping for some advice on how to make the most of the hour I have to sate my appetite in the middle of the day.

How much liquid are you consuming? Sometimes, your brain interprets thirst as hunger. Try getting something to drink - whatever you like - after a meal. You can also use it to increase your capacity.

That said, the trick is to take your time drinking. It will keep you from hurting yourself and your brain wiññ better register what's happening.
4 months