
Becoming obese

I'm more of a feeder, but I've always been curious about what it feels like to be obese. I think I would be a better feeder to somebody if I also understood what it was like to be obese myself. I would have to gain about 30 lbs to reach this, which doesn't seem too crazy.

For those that started off not obese then took the plunge, did anything noticeably change?

And it starts ~

Either way, being obese doesn't make you a better feeder necessarily. I've run into some obese feeders that are truly dog shit.

What makes you a better feeder is your ability to listen, emphasize, and put your feedee's needs and wants before your own.

Still, I wish you well in your journey.
3 weeks

Becoming obese

I'm more of a feeder, but I've always been curious about what it feels like to be obese. I think I would be a better feeder to somebody if I also understood what it was like to be obese myself. I would have to gain about 30 lbs to reach this, which doesn't seem too crazy.

For those that started off not obese then took the plunge, did anything noticeably change?

Be careful this is how I fell from being a feeder to a feedee XD once you start you may not want to stop
3 weeks

Becoming obese

For me. You start to like how you look how your body feels. And yes you want more. Obese is good, but morbid obese is better.
3 weeks

Becoming obese

I wouldn’t say I ever “took the plunge”, but after a decade of dabbling in 10-15lbs here and there, plus rebound weight gain after periods of unintentional weight loss…. And I’ve gained quite a bit and I’m fat now. I suppose you could say I’ve been wading out for a long time.

It’s great! I actively like my body now (… most of the time). I also had *no* idea I could be turned on by my own body, but it happens sometimes now.

I was surprised how small I was when finding clothes that fit decently got difficult, esp. as a man. Just because of my own proportions, mass-produced clothes tend not to fit me great anyway, but that problem has only gotten worse as I’ve gotten larger.

I also was not able to keep up my fitness as I got fatter. I highly recommend doing so if you can. It’s easy to lose fitness if you want to, but harder to regain it.
3 weeks

Becoming obese

Lots of things have changed! Especially while gaining I'm so aware of how everything is bigger; my thighs rub together more, my arms are squishier, there's always a belly in front of me and I can always feel it.

Bending over, getting out of bed, little tasks like that don't become difficult, per se, but they do take a bit of effort, when they were effortless while I was skinny.
3 weeks

Becoming obese

The defined obesity line happens a little sooner than some people think, it's possible to cross it without really feeling any different along the way. This was something I encountered somewhat recently.

I didn't really feel my belly being there, without having to focus on it that whole span. Right around becoming obese weight-wise is when I started to actually notice it both sitting and standing / moving, so maybe there's something to it.

Like you start to have moments that remind you that you now have a substantial belly on you and it will never go anywhere. this is sort of the first timeframe where at all points, you feel yourself as "fat", other people start seeing you as fat right around here too, but again only just starting to. I used to always suck in when in public, but I stopped bothering to do that here, I let myself take up more space, feel like a bigger person, because now I was.

Though there's an inherent curiosity about what the next step or two are like too, if this is what having real weight on you feels like for real?
2 weeks