Chat bubble colors

What about updating the Bubble colors??
3 weeks

People who are into immobility or health issues, what’s the reason and why do you like it?

I think those who are Feedees and gaining want to get bed bound love the idea until it actually happens and they realize that they are stuck in bed without any help then reality sets in.
1 month

Women who want to be extremely obese or immobile

@Bigmommakat I'm sorry to hear that hopefully you'll find one that works for you.
2 months

Women who want to be extremely obese or immobile

@Bigmommakat Sorry to hear that has your Dr put you on any medications yet?
2 months

Women who want to be extremely obese or immobile

@Bigmommakat42 Did you get over 600lbs? Last I knew you were 600 but mobility was still good. I'm sorry your partner of 4 years left you. I feel like If ya'll were together that long she should have stayed with you through "thick" and thin. I know some Feeders want their partner to be bed bound but the important question is can you trust them to stick with you when actually becoming bed bound? I'm glad to see your back on the Internet I've been wondering about you and how you were doing.
2 months

New chat

so its weird that i'm able to log into chat from my cellphone and it works but doesn't work when i log in on my laptop
5 years

New chat

I just checked chat yet again and still seeing the same thing a blank white screen and 0 users.
5 years

New chat

hey, chat works, but

I guess it crapped out again still get the same thing as earlier.
5 years

New chat

same here 0 users and still white screen I've checked back several times.
5 years

My perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder

What I hate about Feabie is you can't delete your comments and if you do the Admins will message you about seriously??? to me that's the stupidest thing.
5 years
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