Maltodextrin for fat gaining

1 pint heavy whipping cream
1 pint of your favorite Ben and Jerry’s (melted for easy blending)
1-2 scoops of Malto.

Mix it just enough to blend ingredients (if you overdo it , it turns far too thick between the cream and the malto.)

Enjoy the deliciousness.

* best if split in half , one serving in morn one at evening , otherwise you’ll be far too full to have any actual food. Use this is a supplement on top of your regular diet, not as a replacement.

What do you mean by "if you overdo it?" Blending it too much, or not enough?

I find this recipe interesting, since this involves combining maltodextrin with other ingredients that are very high in dairy fat. But when I tried that with half & half as being another major ingredient (and a couple other things for flavor), it was clumpy as hell and undrinkable.

Overdo it meaning over blending. I blend it just enough (using only 1 scoop of malto) for my personal consumption with the HC and Ice cream. Just enough blending to mix them all together as if you mix for say a minute or more it begins to turn the HC into whipped cream and mixes the malto in as well and becomes a paste like substance which just proves to be undrinkable.

This seems to have worked for me I did it consistently for a couple weeks then stopped trying to gain for a few and woke up having my pants no longer button and feeling softer all over.
2 years

Maltodextrin for fat gaining

1 pint heavy whipping cream
1 pint of your favorite Ben and Jerry’s (melted for easy blending)
1-2 scoops of Malto.

Mix it just enough to blend ingredients (if you overdo it , it turns far too thick between the cream and the malto.)

Enjoy the deliciousness.

* best if split in half , one serving in morn one at evening , otherwise you’ll be far too full to have any actual food. Use this is a supplement on top of your regular diet, not as a replacement.
2 years

Heavy cream challenge

I’ll jump in as well.

Been doing 1 pint of Ben and Jerry’s mixed with 1 pint of heavy cream on top of regular indulging, 3-4 times a week minimum. I’ll continue for the next two weeks after having for the past two.
2 years

Heavy cream

I found that mixing it with chocolate syrup is just enough to get past the sometimes “unbearable” taste.

I just put down a pint in seconds , was absolutely delicious mixed with the chocolate syrup. This is going to be dangerous with how easy it goes down.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

Agreed, cream is awesome. I just started again, I’m mixing one 8oz box of boost vhc with oz of cream , along with splash of chocolate syrup for flavor. Don’t plan to over do it, just enough to kill a pint of cream a day. If my math is correct between the cream and boost at those measures, it ends up being 3600 for the day just from shakes alone.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

Side note. Started my second cycle of hc this week. Just doing 3 quarts a week, to keep it managable ( I can certainly tell changes are happening ) I want to keep going every week but going to break after this and give it time to settle in and not overwhelm myself. However I have noticed I crave it now. Prior , the taste of it almost made me sick, but I can now simply add a bit of Hershey chocolate syrup to the carton and drink it right out. I’ve spread the quart throughout the day and seems to do the trick. No overwhelming queasy feeling and I’m able to eat as I normally would. Changes are slowly happening for sure , this stuff is addicting
4 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

Been on and off cream for a while. I can say it has definitely helped me grow, though it did take some time for me to notice and now it appears to be pretty evident that it’s working. My last cycle was about 2 months ago, I just started again but in small amounts. Bought 3 quarts and trying to have one a day staggered through a week, then may or may not do another 3 quart cycle next week and take some time off again to see where it settles. I’ve definitely felt softer this week (started on Monday) working on final quart today. I wake up and just feel softer, but could just be me getting ambitious. That said, I did notice some tenderness on my breasts, and small lumps which I can only point to the cream / fat deposit causing that to happen, (thinking it just might be my breasts starting to grow a bit) Curious if anyone else has had similar things ?
4 years

Yet another heavy cream topic

Seems to be all the rave . Figured I'd post my input, struggled to gain for years and now finally it seems to be working. By no means am I where I'd like to be but I can say cream is by far the best way for anyone to gain ( both those who struggle to and those who just want to supplement) I've become noticeably softer, almost a permanent bloat even after a nights rest and waking up it still stays yet I'm hungrier than ever. When I first started cream a few years back it was in cycles , ups and downs, could not do for more than a few days. Just recently I started again and crafted what I feel is the best recipe for myself, though I imagine others may enjoy it too. Very simple and tasty and seems to work for me ( someone who's had lifelong struggles gaining)

1 pint of your favorite Ben and Jerrys ice cream
1 pint of heavy cream
1 serving of maltodextrin powder

Very simple but I've found I do this all in a blender and split it in two parts of the day to allow myself to digest and continue to eat regularly. I'll say my body has adjusted quite well to it and seems to be digesting everything without the need for lactose pills. I'm curious to see if others have done the same / willing to try it and share results
4 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I too wonder about this delay / if I should expect it. Just went back into cream myself, having a quart a day for 2-3 days so far. Taking a break today / tomorrow then back at it through the weekend. Hopefully I'll see some results
7 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I've found that adding a banana, blueberries, or fruit of your choice as well as some orange juice helps for those who can't get by the taste. I do a quart a day when I am on s cream cycle, it goes down super easy. I've definitely noticed changes though I wasn't large to begin with, but certainly helping me bust through my plateau.
8 years
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