Height vs belly ratio

oh wow I didn't realize I was quite that fat, I got 1.05
Time to work on getting that under 1, only another 5 inches to go.
8 years


Not even considering if the drug is something your body could use I'd have reservations about dosage given that your average horse is over 1000 pounds and that is a lot more body for it to work into than most gainers have.
8 years

People with big bellies, how do you wear your bathrobe?

Usually I just leave mine hanging open or wrapped closed but untied. Though admittedly I use the belts so rarely that I've misplaced the belts to both my robes, don't even know how well they'd tie anymore.
8 years

So what games are you playing?

Finally got a PS4 so of course I've been playing Fallout 4. I forgot how good the soundtracks were.
8 years

If you had a wish - survey

1. What is your current weight?


2. What is your normal goal weight?

400 for now, then onto 500 or more

3. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, but the changes reverted after a few hours max. one day?

I'd totally go for 750 to try it out and see if i wanted to go that far.

4. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, without it automatically reverting?

I'd probably go for 450, maybe 500. Since this is magic if the world adjusted so it wasn't weird I might try higher but even a sudden 50 pounds would be hard to play off and I'd need a new wardrobe otherwise.
8 years

Scales... which ones

depends how high you plan to go.
Here's the 440 pound scale that I've been using. I will note that mine is an older version but its a good product.
Amazon also has a decent selection of 550+ scales though once you get over 550 they get expensive.
8 years

So what games are you playing?

MGSV: Phantom Pain and Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters. The second really badly needs a tutorial on the 5 senses system, there doesn't seem to be a good way to interact with people and the taste and smell options while funny are surely losing me points with characters.
8 years

High calories on a budget

The basic cheeseburger from McDonald's is a surprisingly efficient choice at 300 calories for $1.
8 years

Currently listening to

Makem & Clancy - The Mary Ellen Carter
8 years

Mini dresses

My opinion on most fashion is that if you feel you look good and can pull off the look go for it.

I'll admit that this isn't a foolproof method since people of walmart does exist and presumably they passed both checks before leaving the house. But if you think you can pull off the look go for it.
8 years