New and thin :(

Skip breakfast and eat mainly late and particularly at night and not long before bed.Snack on crisps and chocolate and sugary soft drinks throughout the day and always take escalators or the lift rather than the stairs etc.smiley
15 years

Body part

Lower bellysmiley
15 years

Any regrets?

Was fat as a kid,skinny as ateenager,fat in my 20s,lean and muscular (gym addicted..seriusly..addicted!)in my 30s and now out of choice gaining by overcoming my gym addiction and obsession with fitting a eat what I want and when I want and enjoy life.So I think I can probably comment reasonably well..have never been huge and I suspect a lack of mobility must perhaps be the only regret at that my overweight/obese stage,simply realising that as you get bigger,the choice of fashionable clothes diminishes accordingly.
15 years

Muffin tops -?

Well,lets face it, none of US are going to be saying that we don't like them,are we?!!smiley
15 years