Sleep eating?

Sleeping aid Stilnox/Ambien has been known to cause sleep eating, among other dangerous activities during sleep. It's only happened in two of 82 cases studied, but it did cause some serious weight gain in those two. Not worth the risk, I'd say.
10 years

So we're popular on reddit...

Depends very heavily on the subreddit you're in. Many are toxic of course, to the point where they make the news.

Anyway, the closest active one to our kind of material is /r/stuffers, but as the name suggests it's heavy on one-time stuffing and inflation. There's also /r/gainers, which has been up for a month and hasn't had any posts since the introductory one. Think I'll put something in there now.
10 years

Carnation milk for gain weight

A standard serve of Carnation milk has about 40 calories, compared to hundreds of calories in a can of Ensure. They have thicker versions like "cooking milk", but you might as well just drink regular milk with some cream mixed in.
10 years

Fast metabolisms suck. d:

- Exercise less.
- Skip breakfast, have a big lunch.
- Go without food for a whole day occasionally, then eat all you want the next day.

Otherwise it's just a matter of overwhelming your existing metabolism with huge amounts of calories. Don't worry, you'll get there.
10 years

New to trying to gain...

One immediate thing would be to GET used to eating super big meals. You're nearly 6', and depending on how long you've been on hormones (if at all) you've still got the metabolism of a fit young man, so to overwhelm it with sheer caloric intake will take a lot of bloody calories. You don't need to stuff yourself to bursting point with every meal; just go a little bit past full every day or so, so that it takes a bit more food to get full the next time.

Another option is to start fasting for up to a day at a time and then eating all you want. This is to try and shift your metabolism into starvation mode, i.e. "Got to store as much fat as I can because I don't know when the next meal will be."

For a transgender, the timing of a gain is critical because it determines where the fat will go. If you've been on hormones for long enough, and especially if you're post-op, you'll tend to gain the weight in the right places for a female (hips, butt, thighs and so on). If not, you'll probably still gain weight like a male, and a bigger belly by itself won't look feminine compared to the alternatives.

If you don't think you're at the right stage yet, maybe hold off on gaining and just switch any resistance training to cardio, to get lean rather than muscular.

Whatever you do, best of luck.
10 years

Freshman 15 for my gf help!!

There's your problem right there.

People look in the mirror every single day. It's almost impossible not to notice a significant weight gain. If you want her to gain 15 pounds, you'll have to do it with her full knowledge.
10 years

Inflating to improve appetite?

Like she says in the video, if you start burping it means the air's gone into your stomach, so it's certainly possible to stretch it that way - though you might do yourself an injury if your intestines hold onto too much of the air before your stomach fills up.

To inflate the stomach directly, you'd have to do the far less comfortable thing and send the tube down your throat. Easier and probably safer just to drink a lot of liquid.
11 years

Why are you here?

I'm in the "encourager" category. Aesthetically I like to see women visibly grow, whether with muscle or fat or both. This is most obvious on smaller women, so I tend towards the lower end of the proverbial scale.

Beyond that, I like to help people achieve their goals. Women are more attractive to me when they're happier with their bodies, and the rare women who WANT to be fatter come here for advice and encouragement. I'm good with both of these, so I can be useful here.
11 years

Reasons behind your name?

I first used the name on Starcraft or a similar online game. I meant to be Soylent Green, but I had to go through about a dozen colours until I found one that wasn't in use.
11 years
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