My mind doesn't want me to be fat

Lollipop Guilt:
When I am allaround satisfied after sex (with myself or with an included sigificant other) I don't want anything. Thats why its called satisfaction. All is enough. At least for a moment. And then it comes back. And then you do it again. smiley
5 years


I'm on statins. Nothing to be scared of:one small tablet each day and brought my cholesterol right down. Before that, those cholesterol lowering spreads etc like Benecol did help a bit too.
5 years

Death feedists

pdt:Unfair to smoke, tobacco or weed. Unfair to drink alcohol. Unfair to participate in dangerous sports etc etc They all carry the risk of needing medical care, possibly at the expense of others.
My fascination with immobility and supermorbid obesity pretty much makes me a death feedee, I suppose.

We've both had serious discussions about making me housebound, and that comes with a territory of almost certainly a shortened lifespan...We'll be living together soon (see my thread) and I expect to probably start really ballooning once she starts making me eat on her schedule instead of mine.

I think the root of it is, I want to feel what it's like. I want to know first-hand what it's like to have sagging man-tits the size of melons, and what it's really like to have a huge, gelatinous belly apron that hangs to my knees in the event I actually manage to stand. What does it really feel like to take up that much space, to feel the entire bed under my impossibly huge ass? I want to feel myself get huge, heavy, and soft, under gluttony that's out of my control, my legs useless under hanging rolls of flab the size of a smaller fat person, my arms and hands so bloated and heavy that I can barely lift them...I want to look like somebody poured me onto a mattress, and be an over-inflated plaything to satisfy my feeder's most outlandish desires. I want to feel for myself the turning point when my feeder finally breaks me, and I become hopelessly addicted to eating and being fed, and psychologically incapable of ever halting the process. The terrifying ecstasy of being permanently imprisoned by the sheer mass and volume of my ruined body.

It's impossible to experience these things first hand without practically guaranteeing an untimely death, but I need to experience it nonetheless.

I don�t disagree; it sounds HOT. I have a moral issue, though. I worry about people like you (nothing against you, just using your proposed fantasy) who may inevitably end up under permanent hospital care and/or supervision. Hospital resources, IMO, should go to those who need them most, who unexpectedly have diseases and injuries and who did not know they would be thrust into a medical emergency. To gain weight intentionally to immobility should be to reject all medical care. You�re essentially prioritizing your pleasure with the gaining process over your right to be treated by the medical system, which, if you�re willing to accept, there�s no problem. It just seems unfair to do something you know has medical risks and then still ask to have those risks treated at the risk of depriving others of treatment.

On a slightly unrelated note, I would personally not become immobile because while I like the gaining process, I see it as more of an enhancer to the quality of my life, not its core aspect.
5 years

Death feedists

I think I wandered into this type of relationship with my late wife. I didn't know about this fetish when we met and I felt sorry for her with her weight problem and because I felt sorry for her i'd go and run any errand she asked. if she wanted a snack I got it for her, she seldom left the couch in front of the tv, while I worked, did the housework and everything else that needed doing. I am a largish guy, around 280 lbs but she outweighed me when we met by over 100 lbs. We never talked about how heavy she was, I just did my best to care for her until it became too much. She developed diabetes I always made sure she had her pills but she didn't take them. I think she was a death feeder but didn't know how to talk about it, and back then I was clueless. She ended her days in a nursing home at the age of 40. I would love to wind up in that type of relationship again, but with someone who knows what they want and whom I could help achieve her goals.

i genuinely dream of this happening to me
I share that dream
5 years

What do you guys think of health issues?

For me they�re a massive turn on, I have high blood pressure and can�t wait to develop diabetes, heart disease, nafld etc. I can�t wait to feel my body struggle even more when I put it under more and more strain until I keel over, preferably from a heart attack.

Idk whether this applies to a lot of members in this community or not so I�m wondering what you guys think.

exactly the same here, knowing every calorie and every extra lbs is killing you quicker 🐷
My blood pressure is high, my cholesterol is high, I have type 2 diabetes and at my last test my blood sugar was through the roof and I have acid reflux from the weight of my belly fat. I'm well on the way to an early death and it's so hot smiley
5 years

What causes a fat fetish?

Lollipop Guilt:
In my opinion it is something you are born with. Same I think about those who now have a "fat fetish" and were totally into fitness, being slim and so on. I think often that is not a general fat fetish but one of body control/modification then.

Plus - for the sake of honesty - some who actually have an addiction or a actual eating disorder rather than a fat fetish.

I would never judge which is which for other people. I can say that since puberty I always got wet when eating much, liked chubby girls and guys more and hate the thought of having to stop gaining. Nowadays I look at really fat ssbbw and think "Wow, her ankles are so fat they overlap her shoes - I want that too". I just get aroused by that stuff and always have been. Born this way.
5 years

Gaining in wierd areas!

Sorry, but that's just not true. Please show links to these 'studies'. Proper peer reviewed studies by recognised scientists?

Go to my post Compendium of Fat Studies and look at the sections "Subcutaneous and visceral fat weight gain/fat distribution" and "Dairy's effect of fat distribution". You will find loads of scientific studies talking about how your diet can effect your fat distribution.
Thanks, but which one shows that diet affects fat distribution?
5 years

Gaining in wierd areas!

Lollipop Guilt:
In the end gaining isnt a (self-)controlled process. You cant choose where to gain and where to gain first.

That's not exactly true... Scientific studies have shown your diet can alter fat distribution.
Sorry, but that's just not true. Please show links to these 'studies'. Proper peer reviewed studies by recognised scientists?
5 years

Death feedists

Lollipop Guilt:
2914: as this is an english forum ill answer in english. yes I am serious. and yes that involves being dead in the end. but my goal isn't to make you understand why but to find people that do understand why anyway. it is just something i don't think someone can be explained into.
I understand completely. I am the samesmiley
5 years