Survey for all who desire to gain a significant amount of weight.

For all those who desire to gain a significant amount of weight (or who, in the past, intentionally gained a lot of weight):

How did this desire develop in the first place?

1. Did you always desire to be fat, as far as you can remember?

Yes, I always remember being interested and wanting to be like the fat characters I saw on tv or read in books, and wanted to eat as much as I could to get as big as them, as soon as possible.

2. Did your desire appear suddenly, or in a relatively short period of time?

I always wanted to be really fat, but actually confronting the desire and deciding to go through with with was complicated. And long,

3. Did your desire grow slowly, from trying out a little extra weight, liking it, and going for the next "step"?

The first time I tried gaining, I gained about 30 lbs, but found that mentally I wasn't ready - I wasn't quite used to seeing my body change and didn't really embrace some of the prices that came with it (shortness of breath, fat not necessarily going to places on me that I envisioned it, and having for the first time to deal with people becoming a bit more rude while I started to grow bigger.

4. Did you gain unintentionally at the beginning, hated it, and later grew to accept it?

No, as mentioned it was intentional, but then I stopped and lost the weight.[/quote]

It's when I managed to get myself into a situation where I can work part time and support myself and my desire to gain that I really thought about it and went through with gaining a lot of weight.
6 years

Would you rather...(for gainers and feedees)

1- Having a sneaky feeder who tries to fatten you up without your knowledge or consent?
2- Submitting willingly to a dominant feeder who takes full control over your gaining?
3- Having a lovey dovey romantic encourager who makes sure you are gaining as comfortably as possible?
4- Having a boy-toy encourager for you to boss around and send him to run food errands?
5- Having an encourager who is more verbally teasing calling you names and slapping your fat around?
chose your one or more and put them in the order of how intense your fantasy


original post:

3, 1 and 2 in that order.
6 years

It’s not the size that matters, it’s where the fat gathers

The numbers fascination was something I got past pretty quickly after you come to the realization that 300 for one person isn't the size expectations that you think it will be. After you realize that the numbers are really not that meaningful, I started to see the fascination almost like someone who's obsessed with baseball stats.

So yeah, it's where the fat goes that gets me excited.
6 years

How did you decide if gaining was right for you? (asking for advice)

Speaking for myself, I identify with the idea that I always felt like a fat person trapped in a skinny body. It's a cliché, I know, but it best explains how I felt - as young as I can remember I wanted to get really fat.

I grew up staying thin and in shape, only because I didn't want to be fat shamed by my parents. When I moved out on my own, after a few years, I decided to try to gain weight on purpose.

Thing was, I wasn't ready for it. There was a lot of body acceptance issues I hadn't thought of before - would I like where the fat would be distributed, having a healthy enough self image to like myself fat, as I found that I had to "deprogram" myself as to the idea that only thin people are attractive. I wound up gaining about 40 lbs and then lost it all, as I felt bad, I wasn't in a good mindset and was feeling depressed.

I stayed thin for about nearly a decade, but during that time, I took the opportunity to mentally prepare myself for the changes that I was going to experience in going through with gaining weight and took the time to honestly question myself if I really wanted to be fat, or if it was something that was meant to be purely a fantasy.

As luck would have it, I came into circumstances that freed up some of the prohibitive things that come along with gaining weight and being really fat. I took a few years to consider it and finally went through with it.

I won't lie, there were and still are days where I'm not happy with how I look, but they became less frequent once I finally decided to let go and let things happen. Even when I was plateauing and couldn't gave more weight for almost a year, I found when I stopped worrying and pressuring myself things became a lot easier and I became less critical of myself.
6 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Trousers no longer sit round my belly always slip so they sit under my growing belly

Just a side note, I can't believe how I've gotten to love that. If I can, I pull my belt one hole tighter. It pushes my belly fat up and over the belt. It's actually comfortable because my shirts stay tucked in. Once my pants find their "sweet spot" they stay there. So many benefits to being fat, dontchoo agree? smiley

Maybe I'm wearing the wrong kind of belt, but under just doesn't feel right to me. I prefer around.

Ah well, different strokes, different folks.
6 years

Car stuffing

I don't know if I order a whole family's worth, but I do order a lot, even for a fat guy.

The look of the cashier is usually pretty surprised - to see someone as big as myself and his or her suspicions that all the food could be for greedy little me.
6 years

Excuses for overeating

Not sure when I'll be eating next....*
I didn't have any breakfast this morning**

* = I know it'll be the next soonest possibility.
** - flat out lie
6 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

How on earth did I miss this thread?

- as mentioned, when you feel your belly brush up against the steering wheel for the first time when seated. Another milestone is when your ass, hips and belly start to touch the doors of the car.
- noticing that more and more pants have stretch bands, and belts have to be custom made.
- noticing that you had to squeeze into a booth at a restaurant and that arm rests are starting to pinch.
6 years

How long do you save clothes that don't fit?

I've had partners in the past that asked me to put on the clothes that don't fit me anymore.

I still keep some that I can put on (barely), but the stuff that doesn't - donate.
6 years