Bi shout out

yup i'm bi *waves* hello
14 years

Metalheads unite!

I've been listening to loads of stoner doom recently. It's so much heavier than any other kind of metal, and groovy too. I'm not sure i'll ever be able to listen to other kinds of metal the same way ever again. It's perfect for me cuz it combines my love of metal, heavy bassy tones, getting wasted and jamming all in one. <3
14 years

A question for my bisexual brothers and sisters

hmm, I get where this thread is going, but there's a small problem with it. Few people would willingly self-describe as being closed-minded. Nearly everyone likes to think they're open-minded and cool with everything, regardless of how they actually behave. Open-mindedness (or lack thereof) is best left as an opinion we hold about others, rather than something we can accurately say for sure about ourselves. For example, are you open minded if you don't really know what you want and will try pretty much any new experience you can? Or does that just make you naive and inexperienced? If someone knows exactly what they like and dislike, does that mean they're lacking open-mindedness? or is it only those who are unsure AND unwilling to try that count as closed-minded?

I can understand why you might expect there to be a correlation between sexual openness and general open-mindedness, but it's way too hard to achieve any accurate answers with voluntary responses alone.
14 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

teasing a fatty, not letting her cum until she's finished whatever i want to feed her. Putting donuts on my cock and making her eat them off, that kind of thing, but only with someone else who's turned on by it obviously. I'm sure i could find some creative uses for whipped cream too smiley
15 years

About you

Age: 21
Orientation: Bisexual
Type: Fa, though chubby myself. I'd happily be feeder too if someone wanted me to, but i'm not too bothered really.
Hobbies: I'm pretty deep into my music, aside from that, not much really. I like to smoke pot to relax, oh and internets, I couldn't live without internets.
Likes: Music, friends, drinking, animals, nature.
Dislikes: Violence, bigotry, religion.
15 years

Does weed make you eat alot more?

Yeah pot gives me the munchies pretty bad, but if I remember rightly, it also speeds up your metabolism? (I could be very wrong here). I've always wanted to find someone I could share smoking pot, eating and sex with cuz those three things go so well together. Anyone else find that weed makes you really horny?
15 years
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