Immobility just a few questions.

How about the people who don't like the thought of immobility just leave this thread and go back to where they like it most? (Which means me too, lol)
14 years

Advice on getting bigger belly & butt...

I read an article saying that trans fats make a bigger belly. Although, trans fats are very bad for you... so it's a double edge sword.
15 years

Want a fat belly?

... Guess I wasn't paying attention well enough. Sorry about all of this, people.
15 years

Want a fat belly?

True, but a little trans fat once in a while won't kill you, right?

And I wasn't suggesting you eat the most trans-fat filled foods everyday, if you took it like that.
15 years

Want a fat belly?

I understand that, but if people are aiming for their belly to be the biggest part of their body, then the trans fat thing may help.
15 years

Want a fat belly?

Sorry if this has been posted before.

So I was browsing the web today, and came across this article.

Like the url says, if you eat lots trans fat filled food, you'll get a bigger belly. I've noticed some girls complain that they want their belly to be the biggest part of their body, but instead their butt/breasts/legs/etc. are instead. So, maybe this info can help those ladies/men get the belly they wanted...

So, thoughts? Comments? Any girl wanna test this out...?
15 years