How much have you gained?

I had gain 166 pound in 5 years
9 years


I already think of buy a bra for moobs but I don't think than can be good idea
9 years

Ffa in france?

hello, I would like to know french FFA to discut and why not more if affinity...
9 years

No fat men in my area

that can be good more and more ffa in france^^
9 years

No fat men in my area

why there are no FFAs in france?
9 years

Planetary weight

i'm 145lbs on mars^^
9 years

Feeling alone at your size

I know it too. I'm live in france too and I am the fattest in my family and friends. I would like encounting another person who are as fat as me or fatter to talk about day's difficulties we can have when we walk, for clothes ....
9 years

Justgainerthings ;)

have difficulties to find clothes who are fit...
10 years

Lost hypnosis files!

i would like to try it
10 years

New to the 300 lb club?

I'm near of 380 lbs. 400lbs are not far far away
10 years
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