Bad movies???

I love awful movies! Turkish Star Wars, Chopping Mall, CHUD, The Stuff, Plan 9 From Outer Space, Pumaman, The Final Sacrifice...good times, especially with Mystery Science Theater 3000.
10 years

What game are you playing?

World of Tanks, Diablo 3, Kerbal Space Program, Minecraft, Final Fantasy X/X2 Remaster, and I have yet to pass the second level on Surgeon Simulator 2013 >.<
10 years

Non-"fetish" hobbies?

I write, I read a lot (musty old literature, graphic novels, history, manga...) I build models (tanks, planes, robots,) some Warhammer 40k, I make tabletop RPG's and accompanying spreadsheets (I don't know why, but I love making equipment spreadsheets,) and I play some video games here and there, mostly recently Diablo 3, World of Tanks, Kerbal Space Program, and Minecraft.

I used to draw, but a bad teacher shot my confidence out from under me in high school, and I have yet to recover.
10 years

Best feeling in gaining weight

Feeling big is definitely a plus. I like moving out rings on the belt, feeling my shirts get smaller, and giving my belly a little poke. The best experience though is when I eat so much that I need to undo the button on my pants - that's definitely the ticket.
10 years

What does it feel like?

Believe it or not, I was a scrawny kid. I remember someone, I think it was my mom, commenting that I needed to fill out a bit because my hiking pack was too big, and I couldn't fill the waist band. Oh, how that came true in spades!

My gain was fairly gradual, but I think it really started becoming noticeable late in high school. From there, I get fatter and fatter in pictures, going from probably 190/200 in 2001 to 271 today, with my heaviest at around 285 a few years ago.

To answer your questions, it feels quite different, being fat. My range of motion is a bit more limited, running is not really an option anymore, and there's this belly thing that precedes me everywhere I go. My arms are a little softer, my thighs are definitely fatter, and shopping for clothing in regular clothing stores is essentially impossible unless I'm buying socks.

I've only started consciously gaining recently, and the changes have been subtle. I've noticed a bit more of a craving for fast food, definitely more of an appetite for donuts (especially custard-filled.) I count calories now, though I always look for the highest-calorie option.

The last thing I noticed is that while my waist measurement hasn't changed, I feel like my body composition is changing, like my belly feels fatter. It's weird - above my belly button feels relatively solid and round, but below is soft and squishy, spreads out when I sit down, and has a little arch forming in the middle that wasn't there before.
10 years

Eating plateau

I had the same thing happen - after a gain of about 15 lbs in 3.4 months (~255-270,) I hit a pretty solid plateau. Appetite decreased, weight gain hit a solid wall.

There are a bunch of things which I noticed contributed to my plateau. My work load changed, I stopped eating out so much, I started exercising more (not a lot more, but I always like to swim at least once a week,) and I started eating different things at home (read: less fattening food.)

I've recently broken through the plateau, though it's taken about a month, and some rather conscious and purposeful (and delicious!) eating.

Bottom line (as far as I can tell): if there's a will, there's a way. If you want to put on more weight, both your body and mind will figure out how to do it. Though it may take some work.

Best of luck!
10 years

Earn money from your stories

I'm also interested if this is still in the works, or a future edition is still being considered!
10 years


BMI = Body Mass Index, a weight-to-height ratio. There are dozens of calculators online. Here's one:

Mine's 34.8 (271 lbs @ 6'2"smiley
10 years

Waist to hip ratio

I just measured 1.13 "We'll get you back in shape" That's what you think!
10 years

Stretch marks

I looove stretch marks! Any color, anywhere, on myself and the Mrs. I especially like the ones on the insides of my arms.
10 years
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