I need help making a diet plan

Ok here is an update if anyone cares... My girlfriend says she gained 8 pounds... We only just started XD I don't know if she is fibbing or now. Is that even posable?
10 years

I need help making a diet plan

OnyxStar wrote:
Thanks! smiley

Any luck yet?

A little, mostly it's just the weight of the food in her though. She's still getting a feel for it. Neither one of us has ever done anything like this.
10 years

I need help making a diet plan

OnyxStar wrote:
Id go with a mix of carbs and fats. Even healthy fat like olive oil, meat, nuts have a high fat content- especially cashews, peanuts and pistachios. Avacadoes, bananas, pineapples, any fruit like that. Melons and strawberries dont have too much natural sugar and are mainly water, so those dont work too well. Potatoes, and grains work, if the meal doesnt have too much protein/fiber in it, it will take longer to fill up. Insulin will rise and fall, and then you will be hungry again shortly especially if using white grain products. Peanut butter is good, roughly 100 cals per Tablespoon, can add up quickly. Heavy cream is good, but if her body is t used to ingesting a lot of fat, 1/2 and 1/2- really good with chocolate in it. Ive been trying to mix starches/sugars with fat, it seems to work better than straight fat, or sugar, or carbs by themselves. I dont have the biggest appetite, but its better now.
Also, fluid intake. If she is drinking lots of fluid before the meals obviously she will be more full. Often the body will process thirst as hunger, so what Ive been doing too, is eating until full when I get that feeling, then I will drink my water or whatever.
There are tons of ways to gain healthily. I would suggest looking into bodybuilding sources on the net or even type in a search about healthy weight gain. A lot of body building sites have bulking diets especially if she is looking to add muscle too, as protein is very good for that.
Anyway, congrats smiley It takes some courage to admit preferences to people sometimes. I hope things really do go very well for you two!
Happy Gaining smiley

Thank you so very much. This was extremely helpfull for us, hand thank you for your best wishes smiley
10 years

I need help making a diet plan

The only problem with that is she does not eat very much even with all the food around. That is why she asked me to come up with a plan for her, and I want to do it the best way I can to keep her healthy.
10 years

I need help making a diet plan

AskDrFeeder wrote:
Diets? Isn't part of the fun of gaining NOT having to diet? Why not just make sure she has a huge variety of goodies on hand at all times? Note which ones disappear the fastest and get more of them. Or just check out "How to Get Fat" on my site.

Because I want her to gain weight in a healthy way with a balanced diet. If I just wanted her to get fat I would tell her to eat cake all day XD
10 years

I need help making a diet plan

I have been talking with my girlfriend and explained that I think chubby girls are cut and one thing led to another and she agreed to start gaining.

Reason 1 why she is doing this, she wants to make me happy.
Reason 2 and in my opinion a very good reason, she is 5'4" and weighs 90lbs. She knows she is at an unhealthy weight but can never keep weight she puts on.

I toled her she should start eating more meats and dairy products along with drinking whole milk (I also said if she was feeling up to it she could try drinking heavy cream). I have never done this before so I don't know what els to tell her, her goal is to get to 100lbs and then if she likes it 110. Any advice would be lovely.
10 years

Looking for a mate

Not really the right sight to be using that terminology man.
10 years

Just a post game.

Wannabe Chef wrote:
that didn't make sense sorry =\

Fffff ill try to reword in >.< just let this thread die.
10 years
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