Any love for the military out?

So who here is a feeder, feedee or FA that's in the military? I happen to be a feeder that's in the US Marines.
10 years

Stomach inflation

The way I normally inflate my stomach is I gulp down air forcing it into my stomach. This come naturally to me however and may take some time to get used to for you.
10 years

Feedee or mutual gainer girls

I'v been passivity looking for someone that shares this weight gain "fetish" with me for a while now. Sadly I had no luck in just lurking (go figure) so I'm taking a more direct approach. Hit me up or reply in here if you want to chat.
11 years

Inflate with me?

I'm not to big on water myself, I like the fealling and the weight but I don't like... Well you can figure that part out.
11 years

Inflate with me?

Would any girls be interested in doing this? Wether you live near me or over Skype.
11 years

M/21/feeder nc

Hey I'm rather new to this but I thought I would give it a shot. I don't really know if I am a feeder or an encourager. What I'm looking for is a girl that would like someone to encourage and tell them what to eat. Most likely this would be done over Skype or something like that because I doubt there are any girls around me that like this.
11 years
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