Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

Another vote for office job... at my desk for 90%+ of the day.

Yes office jobs are the best way to gain my old work friend was so super fit watched what she ate loved the gym etc she didn't socialise or go out much she basically just loved fitness, then she left to have a baby in which she obviously gained weight while pregnant, but after having the kid she slowly got back to her Original fitness and weight through exercise, then she got a part time office when her maternity leave was up what with looking after the kid and working it left her very little time to exercise so she had to totally stop her exercise which she said was very difficult because it had basically been her life up till the pregnancy and starting the office job but she soon got into a routine at her new job what with not exercising and work mates bringing in snacks she soon started to put on weight very quick because she learned to love food at work and she is heavier now than during her pregnancy and says she is much happier being a size 16 then being all toned up and the extra weight has given her more confidence to go and enjoy herself socially which she has put down to her new office job she loves it
5 years

Former athletes zone

sounds like you have a nice balance there have you ever thought about doing the winter routine in to the summer and see if you can hit bigger goals
7 years

Quitting smoking and weight gain

yes thats just what you need because im sure he will be looking to eat more over christmas so i say stock up on the treats
7 years

Are you curious about gaining?

I am already up to 162. This colder weather is making me want to eat nonstop. I think my body wants to add a layer of insulating fat for the winter.

well done it seems like your body is adapting very nicely to the long winter nights and we are only at the end of november and with the extra cravings i say keep in the warm and enjoy your indulging
8 years