I think the onion knows about this place

Check out one of the pics in a recent slideshow (theonion.com/common-misconceptions-everybody-has-about-twins-1847202955/slides/24). Look at the banner pics on the homepage of this site.

What's even more interesting and funny to me is that it's a different pic with the same people. I've never seen them anywhere else.
2 years

The best way to pack on is through sugary drinks.

The idea is to avoid sugar, or at least avoid drinking huge amounts of it. We gainers almost always get more than enough sugar in the foods we eat without needing to drink it, too.

Regular soda is the one and only thing I've cut out of my diet. I probably can't avoid health problems forever, but I at least want to postpone them for as long as possible.
3 years

How much have you gained in quarantine?

I actually lost over 20 pounds in the first month because I stopped eating out (even fast food) and didn't eat any more than I needed to in order to stretch out grocery trips. Combine that with my fairly low natural appetite and moderate exercise and the pounds fall right off. Now that the curve has been consistently flattened in my area, I'm at least loosening up in regards to food. I've already gained about 7 pounds back in the last couple weeks, and I'm currently eating a footlong sub while already stuffed. It's good to be back.
3 years

What's your fastest rate of gain?

I went on a brief gaining spree a few months ago and gained 18 pounds in 20 days, including 9 pounds in the first 8 days, before losing all my momentum due to a cold.
4 years

Is it easier to gain weight as you become fatter

I think it's less about how fat you are and more about momentum. It seems that once I start ballooning, it's fairly easy to keep it going as long as I do indeed make some effort to keep going. I'm not sure whether it's more due to mental habits or my stomach getting used to being pushed to its limit.
4 years

Most weight gained in a short amount of time.

I'm up 17 pounds over the last 25 days.
4 years

How to make heavy cream taste better.

Mix it 50/50 with whole milk. IMO, that just makes it taste like milk, but richer.
4 years

Doctor check-up question

Everyone's different, but gaining subcutaneous fat at least improves your chances, and your chances of gaining subcutaneous fat are improved if you eat high-fat and low-sugar foods. I like to drink a glass of 50/50 whole milk and heavy cream before bed, and I stay away from all regular soda.

Also, get light exercise. I like to walk about 1-2 miles a day, especially in the colder months like now.

Again, everyone's different, but since I started doing these things over the last year, I've fully reversed my high blood pressure and triglycerides despite staying right around the same weight. My fat has also become jigglier and more evenly distributed, both of which I enjoy more than the beach-ball look.
4 years

Pushers vs. letting goers

I'm definitely a pusher, but it has changed in one way. In the past, I used to LOSE weight if I just reverted back to my natural tendencies. Now, I'll at least maintain my weight if I'm not trying one way or the other.
4 years


Yeah, I'd do it. I have hobbies that I'd like to focus on, but it'd be hot to take the berries and fall into the constant hunger. I could try to live a balanced life while eating a ton, but if the need for food consumes me... well, again, that's hot.
4 years
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