Should i tell my boyfriend that i have a fat kink?

Like others have open and daring to discuss.

When I told my GF, at the time, it was a complete.revelation.
1 year

How dramatic are heavy cream results, really?

Heavy cream always made me gain but you can use meal supplements like Ensure as well, it does about the same.
Drink what you can handle and there is no need to drink a lot because your body can only absorb so much.
It does have a residual gaining effect on me and I will gain several lbs even after stopping.
Mass gainer shakes do the same on me as well.

Adding Ensure really helps. It can quickly help add several 1000 calories a day when mixed with the cream. If you mix 1 ensure into a quart of cream you are well above 1000 calories.
1 year

Wanting to start gaining

Yeah it did sadly.

I have 4 degrees and I will be the first to admit I don't know everything in each field.

of all the things I know, I now realize I know nothing! yep I concur...same here 😁
4 years

Does stomach full of air increase its capacity?

I recently got into inflating my stomach with air (safely, of course) and I wonder - does this increase your stomachs capacity after some time?

It definitely does doing it daily can stretch your stomach capacity

I remember inflating daily for a month and oh boy was I able to eat

given the common sense aspect
of the dangers, how much where you able to increase your capacity?
4 years

You know you're fat when:

When you have to move the table because the booth is too small.

Absolutely the truth. In fact, I've had more than one waitress get somewhat embarrassed while she moved the table.
4 years

You know you're fat when:

You plan out your kitchen to be easily accessible.
4 years

What is the worst thing about being obese?

The first really embarrassing moment was not seeing the card scanner at the checkout counter but bathrooms and most public spaces- booths for one with stationary seating!
6 years

This one's for my male feedes out there.

600 would be nice but 800+ might be even more fun.
8 years

How fat would you like to be?

I would definitely gain up to 500 or 600. If reality were a little different, 800.
10 years
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