My fellow fat ladies ?

Just wanted to come and say that Munchies has highlighted something really important here. Secret Feeding is not welcome in this community as it is a form of abuse and control. We understand people may have fantasies about this sort of thing but acting on desires like this is manipulative and a dangerous dynamic to have in a relationship.

I am glad that you are ok and have help if you need it, but not everyone who is in a relationship like this has safety nets such as their own place. family or friends. So it's important that people know this behaviour is not normal or loving in anyway and a huge Red Flag.

Now that I've said that... I will try get back to your original post which appears to be about celebrating your new found fatness and self-love.

1: When did you get fat ?
I was always chubby as a teenager, and I have progressively got bigger and bigger from a youngish age.

2: How did you get fat ?
I got fat from my sheer love of food and eating. It started when I moved out to Uni and had the freedom to go out to eat, buy whatever food I wanted. I was restricted living at home as my parents were a bit frugal with food and were always trying to buy fat free versions of everything and keep their and my weight down. I love to cook, go out to restaurants, relax and snack, treat myself to fancy foods when I go shopping, I buy artisan cheese weekly for example. I find it indulgent and I guess I would consider myself a Foodee, so with that I have naturally put on weight.

3: Did you use to hate being fat ?
I've never hated myself for being fat, although I have had occasions where I don't like specific parts of my body or face. I think that's pretty normal to dislike your appearance from time to time, regardless of weight.

4: Do you love being fat now ?
I love being me... whatever form that comes in. As I have gotten older I have learned to accept myself who I am and what I like, and I don't aim to please others like I used to. I like my life and I am happy with that and the affects it ma have had on my waistline.

5: What's so great about being a fat woman ?
Nothing. Theres nothing I specifically admire about myself simply because I am fat. I am not a Feedee or gainer so being fat is not of any great importance to me... it just so happens that I am.

6: Do you have any insecurities about your looks now ?
Occasionally, but never weight related, those insecurities were long gone when I hit my 30's. As you get older you tend to care less about others good opinion because you realise the only opinion that really matters is your own.

Very important post, cookie, and certainly agree on #6 :-) Hope you’ve been well!
5 hours

Weight gain

Pizza, pasta and ice cream each just raised their hands. “Can’t forget about us,” they said :-)
5 hours

Any other family members gaining?

My sister in law has been slowly gaining the last few years.
When she married my brother she was maybe 120 but very fit, also gorgeous BTW.
I would say she is a solid 200 lbs currently.
Very curvy and her boobs are gaining as well.
My BF has gained 30 lbs but won't tell me what he weighs now but I'm not complaining
I'm guessing he is 360 or so.

Contentment usually equals extra pounds eventually :-) It has in our case!
2 days

Reasons why i'm fat

18: I rolled my ankle last summer, probably because of my weight and not doing any strength training. It’s still weak and I can’t do intense exercise on it. Being fat made me fatter ☺️

19: I’m doing this for myself, but ngl having a lot of followers who probably all want to see me get fatter is yeah ☺️

20: If I have treats in my home, I can’t stop myself. One slice leads to another. ☺️

21: I just kinda got to a place where I think about food and my fat a lot of the time.

Can’t keep snacks in my house either. They get devoured no sooner they’re bought :-)
2 days

Any other family members gaining?

We often read about family’s reaction to our gaining a lot of weight. Are any of our family members giving in to the gluttony?

My wife is 340 pounds and has been in that weight range for years now after having her first two kids. Fluffy arms, huge belly, and soft, dimply legs. Her two kids from a previous marriage are following in her footsteps and putting on lots of weight in their early adulthood.

Her daughter is 25 now and lives in another state. She was fairly thin until she got out of high school and began working foodservice and retail. I’d say she’s about 250 pounds now.

Her son is 21 and had been skinny his whole life but is getting fatter each time I see him. Today we were all finishing off three big bowls each of some chicken jalfrezi with rice. As we’re done, he lifted his shirt while stretching and told me his belly was evidence of how much he enjoyed our cooking. He’s getting man-boobs and a roll of fat under each armpit. I lifted mine and my ball belly was downright small compared to his.

It appears we’re all becoming fat and happy when we get together for a meal :-)

Also might as well chronicle all my cousins’ gains through the years. One who was thin all through her childhood had a terrible time wearing braces on her teeth as a teen and into her early 20s. Once the braces came off, she could finally eat what she wanted and the weight came fast. She’s close to my age now and is easily 250 pounds now. Her younger sister was petite growing up but plumped up after her two kids came. Another set of cousins, a brother and sister, were far from a fairly early age. Guy’s weight stretched out over time after simply getting taller. His sister is very short, so hence has stayed chubby her whole life.
3 days

Reasons why i'm fat

16: I spend so much time on this site 😅

17: I don’t drink it, well sometimes a little ☺️, but I add heavy cream to my coffee, milkshakes, desserts, and cooking 🤤

You’re filling out that chair nicely :-)
1 week

Bmi. what's yours?

Mine is down to 25.1. Had to cut back a little for health reasons. Wifey is somewhere between 60 and 60.2, depending on whether I enter 5-2 or 5-3. I guess we’re more into contrast these days :-)
1 week

The contrast

There’s more of a contrast between wifey and I than there used to be. I had a heart scare last year and had to cut back on some of my favorite indulgences. My belly is still a ball but my weight is down to about 180. Wifey is up to 340, though, and I find her irresistible ;-)
1 week

Story behind your username?

Many levels to my being HappyBigBelly.

I’m always sure to leave some happy and sweet comments for people, so that covers the happy. I have a big ball belly and absolutely adore my wife’s beautifully enormous tummy, so that covers the next two words :-)
1 week

Showing off fat belly to athletes

Last summer, when. I was already around 350 pounds and gaining rapidly, I wore a bikini in public multiple times, and I don't mean the high-waisted ones a lot of full figured women prefer. I had two string bikinis that let my belly bulge out unrestricted. I outgrew both, sadly, and I haven't been able to find anything similar that fits me at my current size. However, I'm going on a honeymoon at the end of the year, and I'm hoping to have one made so I can, quite literally, let it all hang out.

That’s awesome :-) My wife loves to swim and can do so much better than me. Her asthma prevents over-exertion on land, so she makes up for it in the water. At 340-ish pounds, her belly also flows freely whether it’s a one or two piece deal. She proudly lets it bulge out when we swim at a local lake!
2 weeks
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