Skinny women

I was way skinner on my first pagr came back and still gaining
6 years

Female feeder looking for female feedee.

Online relationship only.

PM me x

I'm Dowm
7 years

If you had a wish - survey

1. What is your current weight?
Probably around 128

2. What is your normal goal weight? (what you probably answered already elsewhere, this question is just for having all the information in one place without having to search fr it)
Normal goal weight ? Well I've been skinNY my whole 130 to 135.

3. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, but the changes reverted after a few hours max. one day?
150 ..just to see what it would look like.

4. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, without it automatically reverting? (of course, you could still gain or lose weight naturally afterwards)

(it would be a good idea to specify kg or lbs, as not everyone is from the same continent)

I guess this provides us the opportunity to know each others desires better. For example, for #3 one could wish to try out a ludicrously insane amount of weight to know how it feels like, without having to worry about long term health risks. Or one could try out how it feels to be skinny, if you never ever was skinny. Or you could try out your goal weight for a day to see if you would enjoy it.
For #4, you could reach or get closer to your goal weight if you like being fat but don't like to eat that much or you want to gain but cannot. Or you could wish to be thin again so you could enjoy your gaining journey again if you like eating more than gaining weight, or you are already worried about being too large and having health issues, but you want to let yourself go with food again for some time. You see, the same answers for #1 and #2 could get vastly different answers for #3 and #4 for different people.[/quote]
7 years

Experimental weight gain

Wht about for women? When I started I was 110. I got up to 124 (14 pound gain) when I had to buy new pants because tight pants were getting too uncomfortable. Now I want to go for another 10 or 15 pounds. Oh btw I'm now 126lbs so 10 would put me at 136 and 15 would put me at 141. I'm 5'4

A 15% gain would put you at're there! You should be able to decide. If you can't, let me help. Your choices are as follows:

1. Lose weight
2. Maintain your current weight
3. Get as fat as you want.
4. Do another experimental gain.*

*The whole idea of an experimental gain is that it's small enough that you could lose it pretty easily if you change your mind. So you should not do #4 unless you've already eliminated #1.

If you do eliminate #1 as a possibility, that is, if you've decided you don't want to ever be thinner than you are now, you could gain another experimental 15%, which at this point would be another 19 pounds, bringing you up to 146 pounds.

Hmm I definitely don't want to be smaller. But not quite 146 either. Maybe I'll go for 140. Want to help ?
7 years

Experimental weight gain

Wht about for women? When I started I was 110. I got up to 124 (14 pound gain) when I had to buy new pants because tight pants were getting too uncomfortable. Now I want to go for another 10 or 15 pounds. Oh btw I'm now 126lbs so 10 would put me at 136 and 15 would put me at 141. I'm 5'4
7 years

Dating a new guy

Well... You'll get bigger, and he will notice. If he doesn't seem bothered - You're good 2 go smiley

Guy's are weird because they won't say anything. Lol I'm pretty small so I'm sure 10 pounds won't make fat...just a little thicker
7 years

Dating a new guy

Hi everyone. So a few my bf of 9 years broke up with me. I'm pretty heartbroken but I can't say I didn't see it coming. Anyways I am kind of dating this new guy. Kind of....weird timing because I want to gain at least 10 poubds pretty quickly. How will I be able to tell how he feels about any neway weight I gain in the next month.
7 years

Stuffing my cousin

Need advice. My cousin is coming over for dinner in a couple of days, and I plan to stuff her silly. Any recommended foods or techniques?

Add heavy cream to her food and keep her eating might have to keep eating too to make it not look weird...but hey you want to get fat too so why not enjoy
8 years

How to bring up gained weight with non fa boyfriend

What you mean lol all my weight is hips and thighs. My belly is only big when I eat..oh and I plan on gain in the last 3

After many years the Heavy Cream has finally given you a quick and noticeable result and it is a Good one. It's not your belly as much as your hips and thighs. You've got three choices but really I think just two will make you happy. The choice I think you Don't want is losing 8 lbs that you worked SO hard for. The safest choice is gain your last Three and just wait for him to finally speak up. The most Daring choice is getting to 138-140 and he'll HAVE to say Something. Won't he? smiley
8 years
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