Not talking to your partner?

1. 3-4 days at the most without talking on the phone (excluding texts)
2. Maybe a day. If it's going to be a while it's not hard to send a quick text saying why.
3. I try to stay confident that their feelings have not changed, and occupy my time with something I care about.

I have a hard time going no contact for longer than that because I become very attached in relationships. I let my partner know and he doesn't mind texting me his schedule in the morning. He lives about an hour away and works while I am in school still (masters degree).

Good communication.
6 years

Not talking to your partner?

3 Questions for men and women of any sexual orientation.

1.) What is the longest you will go without talking to your partner when your busy?

I have gone an entire work day without talking to him. I get very focused on my work, but I know I'll see him when I get home, as he's always home just before dinner.

2.) How long can you stand not hearing from your partner without saying anything?

It depends. I expect an answer at some point, but the little man does a lot of work around the house, so if I'm busy, he must be busy.

3.) How do you handle/ deal with not hearing from your partner for days on end? Even though you know they are busy with work?

Would not happen.
Also, as he gets fatter I get a little concerned for his safety staying alone. I want to hear from him at the very least before I go to bed, to know he's okay, or I would send someone to check on him.

All these things depend more on the relationship. Some couples are a little more flexible about it - both partners are busy, and that's that. My little butterball and I, though, like to be in communication.

He has a wonderful Domme!
6 years

Not talking to your partner?

1.) What is the longest you will go without talking to your partner when your busy?

Well we live an hour and a half apart and I recently started working 3rd shift so our schedules are a little crazy. We usually text back and forth throughout the day depending on when we're awake. We send little love texts even when we know the other won't see it until later. But never a day goes by that we don't at least text, if not call.

2.) How long can you stand not hearing from your partner without saying anything?

Over the summer I did an internship in a rural part of Nicaragua. There were many days we couldn't talk on the phone but we always made a point to send a quick message to say hi and give some encouragement. But we can't always be available at the same time to interact.

3.) How do you handle/ deal with not hearing from your partner for days on end? Even though you know they are busy with work?

We make time. I believe that even if you can't physically talk to them, if you want to find the time to message you can make it happen. That's what has gotten us through a year and a half of long distance, even longer distance over the summer, and now crazy schedules. Making time for someone tells them you prioritize them, Even when you have so much else to do.

Awww relationship goals!!!
6 years

Not talking to your partner?

3 Questions for men and women of any sexual orientation.

1.) What is the longest you will go without talking to your partner when your busy?

2.) How long can you stand not hearing from your partner without saying anything?

3.) How do you handle/ deal with not hearing from your partner for days on end? Even though you know they are busy with work?
6 years

What is the worst thing about being obese?

Finding clothes in my size I actually want to wear and body pain. Other then that being fat is great!!!
6 years

Size comparison who prefers to be bigger than their partner and why?

Its sexy when the guy is smaller because you can just envelop and squish him with all your fat and straddle him so much easier. It�s fun watching him squirm and fight out from under your fat.

I deserve and want the most room in bed!
6 years

Someone from here was in las vegas

That's terrible, so sad. 😞
6 years