This or that

News channels. I tend to learn what's going on from the tv news, and then get *opinions* on that from internet news/online papers.

Headphones or Speakers?
9 years

New celeb crushes?

There was a period over a couple of years where the comic actress Katy Brand seemed to get fatter and fatter each time she appeared on TV...that was quite nice to see.
Seems to have gone into reverse more recently, but she's still far from thin.
9 years

This or that

Winter, generally prefer to be too cold than too hot. I much prefer wearing a nice coat over still being too hot despite taking off as much as the situation allows me to remove! And summer nights are absolute hell!

(Theatre) Going to a play, or going to a musical?
9 years

New say something nice thread!

He has good taste in books, and has some interesting life goals.
9 years

So how brits are on here?

I'm a Brit and I'm on here! Bromley/London based.
9 years

This or that

Human Torch/Screaming Cinder

Beer or Cider?
9 years

This or that

Indiana Jones!

Poetry or Prose?
9 years

This or that


Spring or Autumn?
9 years

Wannabe composers?

I 'mess around' with Cubase and (while I don't currently have a working copy) I've also used Sibelius. I did composition as a Masters subject at university. I've written a few scores for the local theatre (non-professional, but good standard amateur theatre) and am putting together a portfolio of things to hopefully get more (and hopefully at some point, paid) work. What kind of style/genre do people work in?
9 years

Men abaondon fat date (dm)

Cake Fat wrote:
If you really gave a crap about what it was like for fat people to date, here's an idea: ASK A FAT PERSON YOURSELF.

^ That

It's basically a way of saying 'I don't believe the actual testimony of fat people regarding stuff that they say happens to them. Because fat people are inherently untrustworthy.' So yeah, pretty shitty, and as has been said, this 'experiment' doesn't really teach us anything.
9 years
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