Scenes from 'city island'

As of this morning, I've finally seen this film and...I liked it smiley It's kind and gentle*, and while it's not the most brilliant film I've ever seen (it's not trying to be) it probably deserves more exposure and recognition than it has. Certainly one to watch again every so often.

And I (predictably) enjoyed the feedism subplot; yes, the film laughs a little at the feeder character, but not because he's 'weird', it's because he's a bit of a clueless teenage boy (like most teenage boys are). That, and the two women he falls for are portrayed very sympathetically, the feedee/foodee aspect of Carrie Baker Reynolds' character being portrayed as a 'zest for life' kinda thing. So yeah, quite a good way to start a slow Sunday smiley

*which is surprising given the nature of some of the subplots.
9 years

Monty python lovers ?

Lauren Loves You wrote:
diggers1917 wrote:
Are you the Judean People's Front?
F**k off...We're the People's Front of Judea!

"If you wanna join the PFJ, you'd have to really hate the Romans."
"I do!"
"Oh yeah? How much?"
"A lot!"
"... Right, you're in."

"We mustn't fight each other! Surely we should be united against the common enemy!"
"...oh, yeah..."
9 years

Monty python lovers ?

I love a bit of Monty Python, and I've seen Spamalot a couple of times for good measure (once in the West End with Sanjeev Bhaskhar as Arthur, then again when it toured with Marcus Brigstocke, both were great fun).

And, as no one can mention Monty Python without at least a few quotes:

Are you the Judean People's Front?
F**k off...We're the People's Front of Judea!

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries!
10 years

So what games are you playing?

Finished Arkham City, moved on to Metro 2033, which I think is rather flawed but with some interesting ideas nonetheless.
10 years

Currently reading...

RoyalFreyeness wrote:
I can't believe Im writing this, but I'm balls deep in Insurgent in the Divergent series. Whatever, I'm not ashamed to admit it.

I'm also reading some Ayn Rand. I'm starting with Anthem, which isn't all that long at all, but I gave it about 15 minutes thus far and I will probably finish it tonight. Then on to Fountainhead.

I suppose the good thing about starting with 'Atlas Shrugged' (which, on and off, took me about two years) is that everything else is comparatively easy-going smiley . Someone's lent me Anthem, and despite everything I wouldn't mind giving 'We The Living' a go one day.
10 years

Currently reading...

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
10 years

Sticking around (or not)!

I had an account for a few years that I really didn't use, and when I decided to be a more active participant in this board and the wider (pun intended? not sure smiley) community via meets & stuff I thought it would be better to start from scratch. Can't see myself doing the same again, though, for the fairly obvious reason that this account is now used on a fairly regular basis and so there's a back-catalogue of stuff that would disappear.
10 years

Quotes you like

'No one remembers the singer. The song remains' - Terry Pratchett (from The Last Hero)

He says a lot that makes me crease up in laughter, but sometimes, for whatever reason, something he's written will give me the shivers instead, like this.
10 years
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