Telling my girlfriend i want to gain weight

Many years ago i told my wife at that time I wanted to get get fat. It did not end well. Every situation is different, but I'm not seeing anything in your description to suggest she's open to the idea. If gaining is important to you, have the conversation but be ready for rejection and possibly the end of the relationship, because this will change what she thinks about you. I wish you the best and I hope when you open up to her, she responds in a positive way.
7 months

Sleep apnea and other sleep related illnesses.

I've used a cpap machine for about 10 years. My heart was stopping briefly many times an hour so it was probably a lifesaving device for me. I was a heavy snorer by the way. Finding the right mask was the biggest problem for me. I sleep much better now.
1 year


Just wondering if any gainers who have been put on ozempic have found a way to overcome the weight loss aspect of the drug and continued to gain. The drug is useful for controlling blood sugars but I really want to add some weight.
1 year


Two big ones come to mind for me. In no particular order one is the cost of groceries nowadays and the second is the my diabetes medication which makes it almost impossible to gain weight.
1 year

The truth is difficult to get a feeder

The Muffin King:
The issue being is that people say there gonna feed you and then don't do it.

Like of your dating or married and its part of your dynamic then yes I won't expect money.

But if we're 2 strangers on the web its purely transactional

Yes a feedee should gain on there own power when needed but at that point there just a gainer waiting on a feedeer

Yeah I agree I've had several people on other websites Tell me they would be my sugar daddy and help me get fat or they would feed me but then end up ghosting me so I don't even ask people they message me and ask me and I say yes but then they don't do it so I don't even bother and I just gain weight on my own sure I could get even fatter if someone would support me but I don't need them especially if they're going to act like they want to feed me but then stop messaging me one day one if they could afford it and really wanted to do it they would have ready today and they wouldn't stop messaging me randomly one day but also it's not a big deal since I don't expect anyone to help me if they want to they can
You have exactly the right attitude. If someone truly wants to gain they have to be prepared to do it on their own. If they're waiting for someone else to fatten them up, it will probably never happen.
1 year

How do i approach this fetish?

Through normal dating it would be really difficult to meet someone like that. I recommend some of the dating sites for bbw's and bhm's. Just place an ad stating what you're looking for, along with other interests of course and see what happens. I wouldn't expect a lot of responses, but it's a start.
1 year

How do i approach this fetish?

The points you've mentioned are all legitimate concerns. If your are straight finding a female feeder is very difficult, but not totally impossible. If you're gay the chances are a little better. Just being fat shouldn't stop you from finding a partner. Lots of fat guys have partners.

My problem is that how hard it would be to find a partner willing to support this kink through normal dating. The majority of fat people aren't fat by choice, and since dieting and losing weight is so ingrained in today's society a lot of people would be repulsed by somebody actively trying to get fatter. There's the possibility of dating someone normally and then hoping their into it (or actively try to get them into it) but that could take a long time and could go very wrong. I'd find it easier to probably look for someone already into the kink, even if it's just a friendship.
1 year

Fashion tips? i guess?

I agree with the comment about wearing clothes to match your size. There is a point where you can't hide the gut anymore, simple as that. In my case I'm fine with that. I love my gut. Maybe in your case you have to wear dress shirts for work so it's unavoidable, but I generally stay away from buttons as much as possible. I just dress for comfort.
1 year

How do i approach this fetish?

The points you've mentioned are all legitimate concerns. If your are straight finding a female feeder is very difficult, but not totally impossible. If you're gay the chances are a little better. Just being fat shouldn't stop you from finding a partner. Lots of fat guys have partners.

Dealing with family and friends is struggle for lots of gainers, male or female. You just have to be strong and let them accept the new you. In a way any comments about your weight can be taken as a compliment since are trying to fatten up.

There are some possible risks to gaining a lot of weight. Some people are fortunate to avoid any issues, others not so much. I don't know if the problem you described is related to weight gain obviously. My take is try gaining and if there are issues that really make you uncomfortable, then stop. I figure lots of people take risks to pursue something they like doing such as car racing or free climbing, etc, etc.

My thought is give it a try if that is your desire. Better that than have regrets later on. Just be happy and confident with the added pounds.
1 year

Favourite sports team to watch?

Hockey is probably the only major sport I've not seen live, might have to get myself up to see Nottingham Panthers

Definitely more fun live

Will have to give it a crack then!
Hockey here as well. love Toronto, hate the bruins. lol
1 year
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