Anyone else wanna break the world record for being the fattest

I want to break the world record and hope i can grow even bigger.

What is the current record for men and women?
6 years


I found it by checking out her Tumblr page. There are 14 tracks on her SoundCloud. My favorite is "so you want to get fat". It's amazing.
6 years

What i really really want

My biggest fantasy is gaining weight without even trying and being unable to stop, either because of a feeder or because of my own gluttony and lack of self control.

I want to force myself (or be forced by someone else) to overeat, stuff and gorge myself on far more food than I need, until eventually my body becomes so used to massive portions of fattening foods that I'm unable to stop eating, that a whole tub of ice cream becomes a small and unsatisfying snack that only serves to increase my appetite. I want food to become such an important and vital part of my life that I can't go for more than an hour without binging and stuffing my face, even if I try. I want to go through the amount of food that would currently last me a whole month, daily.

I want to look at myself in the mirror every day and see that I've visibly put on weight, and know that there is nothing I can possibly do to lose it or even to maintain it, and that I will only get fatter and fatter for the rest of my life until I reach the point of immobility, and that I'm helpless to stop it. Helplessly stuff myself with more and more food every day, speeding the process up and causing myself to need more and more food to feel full. I want to try to diet and be forced to confront the fact that dieting only makes me fatter because I lack the willpower to go for more than a couple days without eating everything in the house in one massive binge.

I'm not particularly athletic now, but I want to feel myself lose what little muscle mass and stamina I have, powerless to stop it from happening. I want to get so winded walking from my couch to the kitchen to get a snack that I have to just sit in the kitchen floor to stuff myself, too tired and weak to stand back up and walk my food to the couch. I want to binge uncontrollably and then pass out surrounded by wrappers and crumbs, without even being able to muster up the energy to drag myself to the bed. I want to get so fat and lazy and out of shape that I can't walk up the stairs at all, my body would just be too heavy and flabby to lift my weight up them. I want to be so weak that lifting the television remote is a struggle.

I want to get so fat I can't see my own feet, or even my thighs past my massive hanging belly. Too fat to masturbate, too fat to walk more than ten feet at a time, so fat that my arm flab prevents me from putting my hands together because i just cant reach all the way around my huge gut. So fat that I have to have clothes tailor made for me, because no company makes clothes THAT large. So fat that I have to eat twenty course meals in one sitting to even feel not hungry, and that I have to eat even more in order to feel full.

I want to be imprisoned by my own gluttony and obesity, unable to do anything about it.

can someone help me get there please?
6 years

21 year old female fit feeder looking for feedee

I would be interested in talking to you. I am not far away. message me
7 years

Soft, weak fatboys enjoying their softening...

Why would you? Just eat up!

I LOVE the idea of my muscles getting punier and weaker and being replaced by soft chub. I don't want to get immobile, but it is HOT HOT HOT the idea that despite being BIG, it's all soft dough and I'm almost helpless. Big, thick arms, but with no muscle there, just weak, useless pork.

This is a great fantasy! And once you get so weak, how are you going to defend yourself from your crazed, gain-obsessed feeder?
7 years

Club butterfat- feedback and help

Please continue. I want to see her first night at the club.
7 years

What are feedees looking for, because everyone already knows what feeders want

I am looking for a feeder who will be there long term and accept me for who I am. My weight goal is a long term goal that won't happen quickly.when I reach that goal, my mobility and independence will be limited. I need a feeder who desires that as much as I do, and a feeder who wants to do basic care for me when I can't.
7 years

Has anyone ever seen something like this?

I found this after hearing about it in a couple videos about ssbbw's. Has anyone ever seen something like this? If it worked, I definitely can see the value compared to diapers and bed pans.
7 years


When they finish a plate offer them seconds without asking.

Keep thier favorite snacks easily available. replenish often.

Tell them how good they look as they get fatter
7 years
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