Your stuffing fantasy

I would love to just be fed fattening foods till my absolute limit and kept at that limit for days expanding my belly each day
8 years

How fat would you like to be?

I dont think I really have a limit, I just want a feeder to help me along the way
8 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I would like to be near immobile to so that I wouldnt burden my partner but near enough for it to feel like it when i sot or lay down.
8 years

New inflation method omg

This is basically swallowing air but with your mouth open, its actually a genetic trait
8 years

Food that inflates you

Soda works pretty well
8 years

Weight gain on budget

Any good methods of gaining with little money?
8 years

Feedees have rounder bellies?

While I gain I will wear pants around my waist and tighten that area to see results, I have a relatively round belly but I hope this causes rolls.

I'll also report progress.
8 years

Looking for feedees!

I'd ask but it looks like you have enough requests as is.
8 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

I am feedee and i want to grow but Ive got some complications in my area so I cant go anywhere to pick my own food and materials for gaining but I cant wait to start.
8 years

My best method for weight gain

Any Specific types of cheese or brands of butter in these categories?
8 years
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