Earliest recollection

I remember being as young as 5 or 6 and putting a pillow in my belly and walking around like that. I dont know what provoked it. As i grew older, 9 or so, i would play games with my friends and i would pretend to be fat. Then i remember in middle school i would puff out my belly and feel it and i knew i loved to do it but i never knew why, but that was around the time i found the inflation community on different art websites
9 years

New inflation method omg

Wait, this totally works!! I just tried it and I never expected it to work o.o took a few minutes but this is awesome!
9 years

Lost hypnosis files!

Yes!! I would love a copy pleeeease!
9 years

Feedees: ever orgasm just...

Not from eating too much, but it seems like I can only have good orgasms anymore from stuffing myself. Maybe I've associated food and sex too much smiley
9 years

League of legends, anyone?

I main ADC, normally varus.
My name on there is Shia Mia smiley
9 years

Bi and lesbians girls :)

I'm a bi submissive feedee here smiley
10 years

Ca't have your cake and eat it

I'm having a similar issue! I'm a dancer, and have been for many years. I want to gain weight but I love dancing too much and i seem to burn off all of the excess weight i manage to put on with my stupidly high metabolism x.x
10 years

How fat will you be

im 130 right now, and ive gained 6 lbs since January ^_^ mostly accidentally, too. i want to get to 140, then 150, and see where it takes me from there!
10 years

Sorts of stories people like?

i love the horribly, dark stories. being fattened against your will by strangers, or a machine. i especially like it when the protagonist is upset about it.
10 years
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