Lose weight to gain it back

I have done this though not on purpose but I honestly had more fun gaining the weight back the second time (and even the third time) than I did the first time so I say go for it!

I think it's more fun because I remember how great it feels to be bigger so I have that to look forward too and regaining weight is easier than gaining it the first time so it kinda just piles on like crazy and makes you feel like you're in a rapid weight gain story lol
1 year

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I think the testimonies of this many people is good enough for any one to give it a try. I have tried gaining several times in my life but my metabolism is just so high that I've never been able to break 150 lbs. But this time I am more motivated than ever, I have an encourager that shares my dream of me getting to a super sized weight one day, a fattening diet I can stick to, and now I am going to incorporate heavy cream into my diet. 150+ lbs here I come! Haha
7 years

How fat would you like to be?

Long term: I would love to be somewhere over 800. Probably not going to happen but I am going to keep gaining till I find out!
7 years

Easy recipes?

Here you go: emaligain620@gmail.com

Now send me things to FATTEN ME UP!
7 years

F feeder iso m feedee to gain and relocate to tn

I wish more than anything I could. I want nothing more than to be that fat then to gain another 100+ pounds but now just isn't my time. I'm sure you will fine your perfect feedee one day so GOOD LUCK!
7 years

How big is your belly ?

It's so tiny, I wish it was HUGE!
8 years

Md/dc/va meetup?

Well school is starting in just a few days for me and I know some people have already started school. I doubt I'm the only one in this boat so maybe in a few weeks after everyone is in the swing of school. You know?
8 years

Md/dc/va meetup?

I would absolutely try my hardest to attend. I've always wanted to meet other people in real life who are into the same things as me.
8 years

Reaching out

I am very serious about gaining weight. I don't really know what else to say. Music, eating, and outdoors. That's pretty much me.
9 years

Feedees, does this happen to you??

Yes that totally happens to me too. You aren't alone out there, don't worry.
9 years
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