Wanting to be fat and thin?

Heya guys, I'm Zaden and I currently weigh about 90kg (haven't weighed myself in a few days lol). I wear 40" pants XD. My belly is huge and doughy and jiggly. My FA friend loves it hahahah. But here's the issue, I love being fat, sometimes. Really only when I'm horny and... At all other times I absolutely hate it and want to be skinny. I feel like I was meant to be skinny and I also have a whole lot of health issues that the fat makes worse and I feel so self conscious in public. I'm more confident with it now thanks to my FA friend but I still wanna lose it. Cept once it's gone I won't have any jiggly clothes busting fun anymore :/. Anyone else relate to this? XD Man what I would give for one of those temporary magic fat spells hahaha. That way I can be fat when I want and thin at all other times lol.
5 years

Feelin' fat after stuffing

Not sure if this is where I should post this but I thought I'd share how fat I feel right now. (Note: I don't identify as a fat person, I intend to lose the weight, I'm just having fun on the ride ; p.)

So I stuffed myself with chicken fingers and cheese and bacon rolls, popcorn and chocolate covered rice cakes and watermelon cordial. I usually measure in around 104 in the mornings empty, after that feast I come in almost 10cm higher at 113! I feel so fat and squishy, makes me wanna laze around and get belly rubs~. I can feel how hard my packed stomach is underneath the soft, pliable layer of pure fat and my belly button runs so deep it swallows over half my finger. Fat spilling over my shorts, I'm glad I'm wearing my loose XL shirt or there'd be no room for all this flab! (Or am I? Haha, actually unfortunately I don't have any clothes small enough to tear through, either they don't fit at all, are too flexible or fit me well enough. I'm not huge on button ups either so I don't really have any, damn).

Anyway, thought you guys would get a kick from this. I know my profile says feeder but I guess I just like fat and growth, more of an encourager. It might kill your buzz though to know that while I ate a large volume my calories weren't that high, so I'm getting a HUGE kick out of how big I am knowing it won't make me gain more haha - much at least - it's the best kind to me~

Still, feelin' freakin' huge~ *groan*
7 years