Hickups after overeating/chugging

After i do massive stuffing, like really overeating untill i can baerly breathe, i have started to get hickups its so annoying, anyone know why that happens ?😅

Hickup cure. Breath in as much as you can, hold it for a moment then without breathing out breath in some more, then more again if you can. Hold it for a few seconds then breath out as slowly as you can.
1 month

Warning: ultra processed food = giant pot belly

I mean... He's not wrong. Between Nov. 2022 and Dec. 2023, I went from 290 to 490, and my belly went from 58 inches to 93 inches because I was shoveling in pounds of hamburgers, chicken tenders, fries, pizza, bread, chips, pasta, and cheese everyday. That not only led to a big pot belly, but to a huge layer of hard visceral fat.

That's really exciting. If Boris gets his way and perhaps uses you as an example of what happens if you slam processed food into your mouth it will encourage many.
2 months

Warning: ultra processed food = giant pot belly

BORIS JOHNSON: It's time for tobacco-style warnings on UPF food, with pictures of the giant pot belly it can give you

According to Boris in the Daily Mail. I think that may act as an incentive to some people, haha
2 months

Your ultimate fantasy?>

An exoskeleton for walking when you weigh over 1000 pounds. A lot of fat people would get out of bed with something like that.

Amazing, we should draw that up in CAD.
2 months

Decline in fitness

You can always switch back to fitness but the fatter you become the less likely you will do so haha.
3 months

Decline in fitness

Hehe yes that right 😂 havent been thinking about it like that,
It would be nice if it was just on ground level 😅

Should you embrace your decline in fitness or resist it? This is your fork in the path for 2024 smiley
3 months

Decline in fitness

If you keep your bedroom upstairs then you will at least keep that level of fitness. However it sounds like you'd be better not having to climb the stairs.
3 months


Munchies, you're full of strawman arguments like "If Covid is your only reason...". I gave it as an example we're all familiar with. It's probably the biggest medical scam you people have inflicted on us. MMR and Autism is pretty big and ongoing. Past scams like Thalidomide and the more recent Oxicontin thing. Every time you and your clan of witch doctors claim it's "Safe and Effective" and later it turns out to be really bad. Pfizer were fined even more than Alex Jones who said there was something fishy about Sandy Hook so we know what they did was really really bad.

The reason you can quote so many official sources is because the corruption goes to the very core of western society.

I can tell you my wife was seriously harmed by the NHS and we won the case. 150 other people are suing for same thing.

Any good person in the medical establishment is either aware of the corruption and fighting it or is unaware of it. As for it's looking like you're either unaware or you're one of the bad guys. Quoting establishment lies at us looks bad either way.
3 months


Morbidly A Beast:
This vague Covid conspiracy stuff and lumping it in with routine knee care is really dumb

Yeah well we have to be vague about that subject because of censorship. It's an example of how the whole medical industry is corrupt. They knew better but went ahead anyway.
3 months
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