
Why not 53?
2 years

Fantasy feeder feels like home

I'll expect a literal gold star in the mail, five or six pounds.

As for attention from women. I do alright. But as it seems to me, you're the one derailing topics everywhere you go.

Who would have figured? Lora Dayton and I are cut from the same cloth.

Even if you're weird. I'll still appreciate having you around.

You're kind of fun, the opposite side of grim dark personality!
2 years

Fantasy feeder feels like home

Literally nobody asked either of you lol

You seem to not understand how public forum works.

Do I need to explain it to you? :-)
2 years

Fantasy feeder feels like home

I know exactly what he said very much thank you! There's no mistaking what sexual orientation is versus a kink they are not the same thing there is no overlap they are not a substitute for each other. And straight people, especially straight men, do not get to mansplain that to a bisexual woman especially a fat one. I know what I'm talking about more than you thanks!

Anyone can "Mansplain" anything they want to anyone, even if it's wrong. Freedom of speech is a thing, if you don't like it, you know where the door is. Relax, skippy.

Anyway. I've been a member since October 2, 2006 but I lurked around the place since its first days.

Unlike most people who claim a longer time, I can prove it. I've never ghosted, abandoned the site only to return with another name because I wasn't "sure" I've never even had a different name on here.

I've seen it all and been in the middle of most of it.

You're welcome.
2 years

What limits are there to creating accounts?

I don't care about your personal life. I was talking about the site.

You're weird. I can see why you were ghosted, though.


Anyway. This took a weird turn, I am out.
2 years

What limits are there to creating accounts?

No one needs to ever explain why they ghosted.

Baba Yaga:

I wouldn't have agonized for 6 months when my ex ghosted me back in 09 if she had simply told me what was going on instead of wait a year and a half to do it.

I know three, count em, three women on here that openly admitted to essentially cheat on their husbands by being here and delete when the husbands catch them or they put on enough weight for the husbands to suspect. A lady friend of mine told me it's the exact same with a lot of men on here, they come here to get off and scram.

I get the whole safety aspect and all, but there's a line that gets crossed if you're dating for real. If you're bringing someone home to family or sharing romantic dates, you bet your god*amn a$$ we deserve a f*cking explanation no matter how harsh it is. A simple "hey my husband found out" or "Hey I'm not into you as youre into me" doesn't have to be liked but would be respected.

You've always had abandonment issues, though. I expected this kind of reply from you.

We're just people online. If we want to disappear, we don't have to tell anyone why. It's kind of one of the perks of being online, you get to disappear when you feel like you need to.

Ghosting sucks, but no one is owed a reason. If you think you are, that might be a personal problem you need to work out on your own time.
2 years

What limits are there to creating accounts?

Hey, I see creating new accounts on the fly for women as a damn good security measure.

If the blocking system doesn't work. Just disappear and start over. It's great.

I recommend everyone who's feeling stalked or just creeped out to do it asap, then you can contact the people you trust when or if you come back.

Women disappear as much as anyone on this site, if not more often.

You can't be upset by this. You have to respect the ability to disappear online. It's going to hurt people, but personal safety should always be your first concern.

No one needs to ever explain why they ghosted.

It sucks, I know, but again. That's just life.

"Reasonable boundaries" I mean, selfish is more like it.

If people ghost me, hey, it happens. I'm used to it and I expect it, honestly. I do, there is rarely any point in investing any time in anyone because this happens so often.

You should take my advice. Throttle back, be casual and roll with the punches. it won't hurt as bad.

Newbies need to learn this but it seems some of the more experienced members of the community need a refresher course, too.

Ghosting sucks.

Nothing we can do about it. Find something that makes you happier than random people on the internet. If it's meant to be, then it will be.

2 years

What limits are there to creating accounts?

If you don't want opinions, don't post in a public forum where literally anyone can offer them.

Gee, I wish there was a private forum where people could whine about their own problems and just make their own echo chambers where everyone agrees with them.

Wait. No I don't.

No freedom without risk, you wanted to complain about a non issue in a public forum, you better expect someone to come along and talk some sense.

No permission needed. Isn't freedom great? I think so.

Just like a ghoster, I can come on a public forum and tell you why you're wrong.

Like the old saying goes. Life is 90% on how you react to things, not the things that are done to you.

You're going to be ghosted. It has happened. It will happen again.

I'm not wrong, you know it.

Stop expecting so much out of people, especially in this "Community"

If you'd trust me just a little bit, your life will improve.

Learn to move forward. Don't get stuck on a ghost. That's just miserable. Choose happy.
2 years

What limits are there to creating accounts?

You're not the only one who's ever been ghosted.

I know you haven't quite got the hang of controlling how you react to when people disappear on you, but I have. I am telling you, the minute you tell other people what they can do with their accounts is the minute everything starts to burn.

I know how the website works. I just don't think they should be responsible for our hurt feelings.

You either get tough and learn from your mistakes, or you don't.

I have, and you've been here long enough that you should have done it too.

Apparently, you expect more out of people, not entirely sure why at this point. I'll never ask the site to go after ghosters because that's what I expect most of them to do at this point.

It's life.

We both know it. You've been here almost as long as me.

Time to wake up. People are gonna ghost, nothing you can do about it. VPN's exist. There are banned people that make accounts nearly every day.

There is literally nothing the site can do to keep them out if they really want in.
2 years

What limits are there to creating accounts?

Unless they do something to get banned, there is nothing against the rules against deleting and remaking accounts as far as I know.

But really, stop trusting people with new accounts. If someone is just a few months old, I never interact with them beyond the causal level in the chat because, well, I know what happens. Get to that year mark and I'll consider you trustworthy.

There is only one person on this whole site who was new that I connected with before the year mark, anyway. That's a long story.

Also, this place is filled to the brim with evil. There is 100% no telling who else they are interacting with on their end. They might be avoiding a stalker, a psychopath, you never know.

I've seen plenty of people get hurt here because they invested too much time in the wrong person when they should have bailed ages earlier.

They will ghost you, it will hurt, there is nothing in the rules that say they have to care about you or ask permission to delete accounts and remake new ones.

I think asking for an IP tracker is a bit creepy, or a website with "Fantasy" in the name. People totally have the right to disappear at any time on the net and make a totally new account anytime they like if they haven't been banned. Just as long as they keep it to one account.

I think asking for something like this is a slippery slope into a bad place. Kind of like that time there was a two hour limit on the chat room.

Bad places are easy to find. Let's avoid this one.

If someone causes you pain by disappearing, you're going to have to just deal with it. That's life. Trust your instincts, be more careful, learn to recognize typing patterns, personalities and things the ghosters can't hide.

Protect yourselves, don't ask the government here to do it for you. You know if they get involved, they'll mess it up. It's just the natural order of things. There is no Freedom without risk and the internet can be the riskiest place in the world sometimes.
2 years
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