What makes psychologists more likely to gain a lot of weight?

My father practiced psychology/psychiatry/psychoanalysis for about 50 years, and my sister currently practices psychology. I also studied a little psychology, so that’s my background for offering the following simple and hopefully not-too-painfully-obvious observation: many people get into psychology as a way of working out their own issues. It’s possible these women followed that path because they’re prone to issues relating to food and eating, etc… or not. Too many other potential factors to draw any conclusions with certainty.
1 year

Regret getting into this fetish

Honestly, I regret getting into this fetish. It has morphed my mind, which is not a good thing.

I never got into this fetish—this fetish got into me. It came naturally and at an early age. Now it’s less a fetish than simply the dominant feature of my sexual identity.
1 year

Turned on by your own fat

Absolutely! My fatness is tremendously autoerotic, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t masturbate to pics of my own bloated swollen squishy body—usually after a big meal or three.
1 year

Perks of being fat

What are some perks of being fat?

It lowers your risk of being kidnapped.
(I stole that one, but it’s accurate.)

You sure? Because my experience of 1291 days says otherwise. Fat people are JUST as easily kidnappable . :/ Petpeeve when people say tis but i guess when you lost four years of your life to being held hostage then its understandable.

Forgive me; it was never my intention to cause any offense. Hearing of your traumatic ordeal cements this as the first and last time I will ever say that.
1 year

Perks of being fat

What are some perks of being fat?

It lowers your risk of being kidnapped.
(I stole that one, but it’s accurate.)
1 year

What's the most fun part about getting fat?

I find it intensely autoerotic. It turns me on just to see and feel my body; to inspect my fatness in the mirror, to squish the 100 lbs I’ve put on. To binge and weigh and stretch and grow.

Granted, it is more fun when I can share the experience with another person, but the experience alone is enough to leave me in a state of profound arousal. (Plus it’s convenient!)
3 years

(!) cannot fully log out

King and Queen of Cream:
Did you attempt to refresh the page, delete the page from your history or have you tried turning it on and off again?

(Sorry the last one I couldn’t resist! But hopefully the other 2 help)

Thanks; I tried refreshing and clearing my history/data, etc—but the entire site remains open and accessible even after logging out. It’s just a little odd, not a huge obvious problem.

So people can lurk the site without creating an account. I lurked for quite awhile before I created an account.

My bad if the site’s designed that way; it seemed like a sudden change (to me). I guess it’s nothing, then. *derp*
3 years

(!) cannot fully log out

King and Queen of Cream:
Did you attempt to refresh the page, delete the page from your history or have you tried turning it on and off again?

(Sorry the last one I couldn’t resist! But hopefully the other 2 help)

Thanks; I tried refreshing and clearing my history/data, etc—but the entire site remains open and accessible even after logging out. It’s just a little odd, not a huge obvious problem.
3 years

(!) cannot fully log out

Starting today, after “logging out”, I noticed the “videos/pics/stories/gainers/chat/shouts/forum/profiles/upgrades” sections remained, and were fully accessible. I couldn’t make new posts, but the green buttons to sign up/log in were there above the aforementioned sections.
Any input is appreciated.
3 years

Cannabis for fattening

I’m always a little leery of anecdotal reports when it comes to cannabis. That’s not to say they can’t hold some truth—particularly when reported en masse—I just prefer to have a handle on the science behind the reports. (Unfortunately, cannabis science is still lagging thanks to prohibition; and it is complicated.)

Two people can smoke (or vaporize/ingest) equal amounts of the same batch of the same strain and have noticeably different experiences. One person can smoke equal amounts of different batches of the same strain and have noticeably different experiences. (Raw) cannabis strains aren’t standardized enough; there are many variables.

Just stay away from THCV, which is a cannabinoid associated with appetite reduction. Fortunately it’s rare.
Beyond that, just find strain/s you enjoy personally and which provide the general effects you’re looking for. (And read a bit of the evolving science around cannabis, if you like.) Good luck!
4 years
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