Immobile guy fantasy

Sounds like my kind of fantasy... though 'fantasy' would be the operative word, as I don't think I could deal with the reality of being immobilized.
May I ask: is this more of a fantasy for you or are you seriously interested in turning this into reality?
8 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

I would love to be dominated, forcibly fattened, feminized, and ab/used as a sex toy by two female bodybuilders.

At first I would be restrained so I couldn't escape being force-fed. I'd struggle and try to resist, but eventually would submit myself completely to their will. Of course at that point it wouldn't matter since these women are so muscular and huge that one of them could easily hold me down while the other poured ice cream down my mouth and into my soft, expanding belly.
Unbeknownst to me, they're steadily dosing my food with female hormones. As the weeks turn into months, I start to notice my body changing. I'm not only getting fatter and fatter, but I'm becoming feminized. My skin gets softer, my body hair thins, and the new fat is going straight to my hips, thighs, ass, and 'breasts'.

In the end, I'd be transformed into an enormous, helpless, quivering blob -- totally unable to resist my bodybuilding dominatrixes, and utterly eager to please and pleasure them in any way they wanted.
8 years

Gaining: from 'fetish' to "need"?

Thanks guys. You're right, there's no rush. I should be a little less obsessive about what the scale says everyday, enjoy where I'm at, and fantasize about where I want to be.
I love being this fat; I'm just not really accustomed to it yet since I put on most of the weight in about a year.

To you thinner prospective gainers out there: The *idea* of getting real fat can't account for the *reality* of it. I know that sounds obvious; it's just another way of saying that imagining it is different than living it. Unlike someone who has always been fat, you have to learn what it's actually like to be a fat person--physically, psychologically, socially--and adapt, which I'm finding out can be challenging. (No regrets, though.)
8 years

Messaging down?

(Messaging working fine for me now. Thanks!)
8 years

Messaging down?

Saphiel Sir:
The daily limit is 10 messages per day, but after that a popup for the upgrades page should appear whenever you try to send a message for the rest of the day. If that doesn't happen, it's definitely not the daily limit.

Cool thanks. Yea it's not the daily limit then. It's weird if no one else is experiencing this; but techno-weirdness happens.
8 years

Gaining: from 'fetish' to "need"?

For most of my life I was thin (even athletic at one point), but I've always wanted to be fat -- at least since puberty. I tried several times to gain weight but had limited success. Long story short, I've finally succeeded in becoming undeniably fat, but still feel unsatisfied. I've been binging daily for months and am completely out of shape, and I'm terrified of slipping and losing weight. All I can think about is food and what I need to eat to at least maintain the weight and hopefully put on more. This is kind of a turn on, but even though I broke into a sweat putting on pants today and am fatter than ever, I feel deeply compelled to keep gaining.

In my mind I "need" to get fatter, but my body feels like it needs to be slower. I'm conflicted. Any thoughts are much appreciated.
8 years

Messaging down?

*edit* I haven't sent any messages today. (What is the daily limit on messages?) Seems to hang when I click on the message icon. Tried refreshing before clicking but no luck.
8 years

Messaging down?

I've been unable to send messages for a few hours, it just hangs. (Anyone else having this problem?)
8 years

Looking for feedees!

Well as the subject says, I'm looking for feedees, guys feedees but I realized that the transgender people (male to female) also turn me on, so I'd love to feed them! ❤
As it seems I'm too far for almost everyone here so I can't feed them and so I'd like to encourage them to be able to make their bellies huge and round. I also like guys a little effeminate, sensitive, shy and a little thin, so when they get full they have an obvious big and round belly and when they belch they get blushed. ^_^

That's me; (well, apart from being a little thin.) Always looking for encouragement..
8 years

Attraction question

MsUnwritten makes a good point about the biological underpinnings of (sexual) attraction. I'm 5'4", pale, soft, and average-looking, so I've never exactly been fighting off the ladies. This can be frustrating since the overwhelming majority of women prefer taller men, and people are taller than ever these days.
Fortunately, my height is not the only thing that defines me (otherwise I would've jumped off a bridge a long time ago). In the real world I've found that kindness, openness, empathy, respect, humility, and good communication/listening are not lost on people; so this is the attitude I *try* to embody--particularly when it comes to women.
8 years