First time tips for funnel feeding

My lovely girlfriend and I tested it out the other day.
We had a blender full of my mixture which I feel like I could improve to make more fattening.
But we are both inexperienced so she poured it in really fast. The whole thing was gone in like a minute. I was barely able to keep up, or tell her to slow down because that would make a mess if I moved my lips away. We had a sign for stop but not slow down. Lol We are still learning.
But honestly I didn't feel full at all after it even though it went down so fast which surprised me.
We both want to use it more when we can though. : 3

Also if anyone else is curious about my mix it is a sleeve of oreos for sweetness. About a cup and a half of full milk. A ton of icecream. And then on top of that a while pint of heavy cream.
Although I was thinking of try to add peanut butter to the mix to try and add some more easy and really fattening calories. But again I am still experimenting.
7 years

First time tips for funnel feeding

Listen to your body! Any discomfort you feel from the amount of shake that you intact will likely be amplified after you stop with the funnel, because it takes some time for your body to send the signals. Don't push yourself too far too fast; you really don't wanna rupture anything. Seriously.

It's possible this won't apply to you, but I've found funneling to be my absolute favorite thing about gaining. Right from the first time I've been hooked, and I can't stand the thought of not funneling anymore, even though I'm not necessarily intending to push much further with my gaining. Be prepared for the fact that you might love funneling, and it might make you fatter than you thought you would be.

Most of all, though, have fun. It's pretty awesome!

Thanks! I am not quite sure how much I will like it. My girlfriend is the one who was more in to the idea then myself.
I think the idea is hot but who knows in practice I might not like it. Or I may love it. Lol We haven't tried it yet because we can't find enough privacy lately to do it because of our schedules but we are really trying to make it work, we have a funnel just waiting so atleast we have one. And I can put down a lot. The mix I have is really really light and fluffy so you can drink a lot of it. I drank a whole blender full the other day and was still really hungry afterwards and it was 3000 calories most of which were just fat. Lol
But with heavy cream involved what else do you expect? And I already have a few ideas to add to it next time to maybe even add more fattening potential to it. : P
7 years

First time tips for funnel feeding

One thing though. I am the one drinking from the funnel she is my feeder. Lol
Other then that thanks for the advice.
7 years

First time tips for funnel feeding

I've never tried it but here's a pretty cool funnel gag that I've had my on for a little while now:

Dang that is kinky! Not sure if that is what my girlfriend would be in to but I could see who knows. Lol
Thanks for the link though also!
7 years

Recipes for heavy cream/half and half?

This is what I have gotten so far as a tasty recipe. Take a pint of cream, a pint of milk, ice cream (to taste in amount but I recommend vanilla or mint in flavor chocolate may be good but I have yet to try it.) And a sleeve of oreos (I personally like mint oreos for this.) And blend it up in a blender. It is about 3000 calories most of which are pure fat so it will pack the pounds on you. Lol
7 years

First time tips for funnel feeding

Not even sure if this is the right category for this but eh. Lol
So my girlfriend and I want to try out funnel feeding for the first time. I feel I already have a good mixture for the shake but I am wondering if there is anything I should look out for as a first timer or anything I should look out for when looking for a funnel and tube.
And tips or advice or just time taken to reply is much appreciated!
7 years

Female online feeder/encourager

I am someone who kinda gains slowly. But I would love to chat with someone new sometime! I need more feedist friends. lol
8 years

New people to talk to!

Just want some new fun people to say hello! I don't have enough friends who are in to this fetish and I need more people to talk to about it and who understand it. Feedee, feeders, mutuals, gay, straight, or any combo in between are welcome!
Don't be shy, they only biting I do is towards the food in front of me. lol
8 years
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