Appetite stimulants

Thank you, I tired Apetamin for a few days once. It scared me how tired it made me lol. But maybe I’ll give it another shot at some point.

The drowsiness wears off after a few days.
5 days

Appetite stimulants

In the UK, we can get them over the counter from a pharmacist (or, indeed, online).

In the USA it’s prescription only. But you can get cyproheptadine syrup pretty easily. Search for Apetamin or Tres Oryx Forte.
6 days

Appetite stimulants

The first 2-3 days bring a lot of fatigue and drowsiness, but once beyond this, cyproheptadine is very effective at increasing appetite. It turned me into an eating machine.
6 days

Practical fat habits


That said, wear clothes that you can comfortably expand in. Bonus points if they obscure your gain. You'll be able to eat more, keep your clothes for longer, and feel more comfortable gorging yourself often.

Funnily enough, the opposite works for me. When my clothes feel tight, it serves to remind me that I’ve put on weight. So I get turned on, which leads me to eat more.
5 months

How many people are into the strongfat look?

Fat women who lift are hot 😍🔥

Enthusiastically agree. Chonky Crossfitters and weightlifters are embarrassingly over represented in my Instagram feed.
9 months

How many people are into the strongfat look?

A consequence of my internal conflict between wanting to be fit/strong and wanting to just get really fat is that I am an accidental musclechub.
9 months

Appetite stimulants

I found the drowsiness reduced after a few days of use. Those first few days, though. Awful.
9 months

Wanting to get fat, but also wanting to get in shape

I too experience conflict between wanting to be fit, strong, and to protect my health, and a continual desire to get really, really fat. This has led to a body that could reasonably be described as musclechub.
1 year

Did you feel ‘different’ growing up?

As a person who has dealt with stalkers in the past and has had an abusive upbringing where my life was jeopardized over my search history, I find this truly horrifying.

That's awful. I'm sorry to read it. Rest assured, I was merely being daft. This is not something that is ever likely to happen.
1 year

Did you feel ‘different’ growing up?

I’m thinking back to my teenage years, when people were beginning to show an interest in the opposite sex… the heart throbs, the leading men in every film, the posters other girls had on their walls…all lean and muscular. Even the boys people liked at school were of a certain build- chubby lads (and girls) didn’t really get a look in. It all felt so alienating to me, like ‘this is what I’m supposed to like?’ It just left me cold and I could barely even feign an interest. This was further complicated by the fact I was, and am, bisexual.

I knew what I liked but I neither felt I could say, like I wouldn’t even be taken seriously, nor would there be many people who I could even name. I think it’s a bit better now but there just weren’t really plus sizes singers or actors or anything then, or not ones who were marketed to young people anyway. No pin ups for me!

Sometimes I look back and wonder if there were other people who had broader tastes, so to speak, but also didn’t really say due to the teen need to conform. Either way, I’m so glad I’m an adult now and know it’s ok to like what I like and that I’m not the only one

I felt exactly like this. Worse still is that, growing up in mostly-pre-internet '80s & '90s Britain, any deviation from the baseline expectation of what might have been considered "normal attractiveness" was stigmatised and drew derision. The internet has been a liberalising force when it comes to sex and attraction. We're all much weirder than we knew. I can't wait for the day some hacker figures out how to publish everyone on Earth's search history and we get to learn just what a bunch of freaky kinksters we truly are.
1 year
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