Pregnancy fetish

It's an amazing feeling. In College, I couldn't help but feel smitten. It was bittersweet as some pregnant students I befriended did not make it back (before I graduated, if at all). It's a great feeling to pamper, spoil or provide. With recent incidents at baby showers, I would advise the preg-lovers out there to choose your friends wisely.

Apparently I missed that memo. What’s been going on at baby showers?
2 years

Surprising lack of australians-

I don’t know if FF does any targeted advertising but there might be a lot of closeted FA people there who would love to discover this site
2 years

Telling my husband

Have you said anything complimentary to him yet, like you love his size, or how he’s not afraid to enjoy a good meal? If so, how did he respond? Might give you an idea on how receptive he might be
3 years

Operation undoing

Somehow it never occurred to me to check this in the last several months, but I just calculated his BMI. I'm kind of obsessed with numbers, so this is particularly exciting.
He's actually in the overweight range now!!! I nearly shrieked when I saw it, this is insanely exciting to me. 25.7 at the moment!

And in other exciting news,
I was getting ready for us to go out the other night and he was lying in bed, and out of the blue, played with his gut and called out to me to look at how big it was! He said that now he's "shooting for 190.. maybe even.. *pause*.. 200..?"
This is unbelievably exciting to me..

Wow, he’s really coming around! (Not to be confused with becoming round, which might also be true soon lol) I’m happy for you and him. He’s seeing that’s it’s not so bad and apparently even fun?

And yes, numbers rock! I love seeing 12:34 on the clock or other patterns like 369 on the scales, as well as calculating gains, fatness and other number fun 🙂
3 years

What hobbies and activites attract the most fatties

I don’t play the tournaments as I don’t like playing competitively but I’ve been to Warhammer world when tournaments have been going on. I play Aeronautica Imperialis and Warhammer Underworlds

Aeronautica Imperialis? Never heard of it but the name intrigues me!
3 years

Mixed feelings

I am fat pig for life. My boyfriend just asked if I would be willing to do a weekly weigh in to make sure I am gaining. I usually try and avoid the scale but he really wants me to do it.

You always have the option to stop at any time, so no harm in experimenting and trying it out. Maybe stepping on the scale will become something you look forward to as well. If not, you can negotiate with him, offer every other week or once a month. If this ever becomes stressful to you, in a negative way, communicate with him. He wants you to be happy and enjoy life. If his excitement and enthusiasm gets the better of him and you feel pressured, let him know before you start resenting him. This should be fun and enjoyable for both of you 🙂
3 years

Controlled gain

Damn. The closest I ever get to this is when I run to the store late at night sometimes the wife will yell "AND DO NOT GET ME ANY FOOD!"

I'll bring home 3 giant sushi rolls as a mean joke.
"I'M NOT EATING THOSE." (they sit on the kitchen counter)

One hour later, the empty packages are sitting next to the couch. "Those were really good. Thank you."

LOL.She just has to feel like she’s “trying” and now it’s your fault. I bet she’s secretly hoping you do bring something home. She’d be disappointed if you didn’t
3 years

Fat or thin faces?

Captain Cake:
This is partly what made me think of the question, because I realised my face has gone from a very clear jawline and defined shape to basically the 'chubby hamster' look haha!

LOL! I can relate! Especially with my beard
3 years

Fat or thin faces?

I love a man whose jawline has entirely been buried by the fat on his chubby little cheeks 😳😳😳

Mine has started to do that and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, but this made me chuckle a little, so thank you, and maybe it’s not such a bad thing after all
3 years

Recently came out as fa to wife

Nice! That’s more than a 50% increase and she was already chubby to start with. How long ago did you get married? For some reason, I can’t go back there page one to see if you already mentioned it
3 years
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