What's your fantasy?

My fantasy: "converting" a big but shy woman to feederism. No tricks, no cheating, no unethical methods, just simply showing love, care, and adoration. She then turns from someone who hates herself for heir weight, to someone who accepts her weight, then slowly to someone who enjoys her weight. At the same time, she goes from trying (but failing) to control her huge appetite, to a phase of just letting herself go, and then graduating to a phase of deliberately overstuffing. Her goals would change from wanting to get thin at the beginning, then abandoning it and just wanting to drop a little bit of weight, then just wanting to maintain, then just wanting to live her life to the fullest not caring whether she keeps gaining weight, then finally to actually wanting to get even bigger.

I like this as well, and it’s very possible to actually have. I’ve had a couple of relationships that were kind of similar to this.
3 years

What's your fantasy?

Being kidnapped, locked in someones house and fed until im huge!

I kind of have the same fantasy but from the other side of the coin; as in I’m the one doing the kidnapping and feeding
3 years

What's your fantasy?

I go on a cruise for a good stretch of 3-4 months. Food and cocktails are included in the cost and I am so there for that. I spend my days on deck socializing and sunning myself, never without food and drink nearby. I spend my nights in the entertainment area with my s.o. gorging on delicious things prepared by amazing chefs. Buffets are an every day activity. By the time I disembark I've gotten so fat that when I go back to work nobody recognizes me.

This is similar to one of mine. Now that I think about it, I could point you to some summer jobs in Alaska that are connected to the cruise lines. One of the perks are discounted in free cruises - for any cruise they offer. One of my colleagues took a three month cruise just after our season ended this year. 🙂
3 years

I feel like i can’t fall in love with a person

Okay I’m 18 and I just started college. So basically I have liked guys attractive and have liked guys from afar like celebrities or people I have never talked too but I have never liked someone for their personality in a romantic way. Like the guys I would have crushes on, I had this fake idea of who they were and I thought I was in love with their perosnality but I just ended up making up who I thought they were. I just don’t understand what it feels like to fall in love with someone’s personality I guess. I’m gay and in the closet so I’ve never dated but I’m just scared I’ll never be in a true relationship because I feel like I’m incapable for falling in love with someone. The relationship would just end up feeling like a friendship. Does anyone have any advice?

Sounds like you might possibly be putting to much pressure on yourself or have you considered that maybe you’re not really gay? Perhaps you have some hidden roadblock… Bad examples from your childhood or something? I wonder if counseling would be helpful? Perhaps it would be good just to get to know guys without any expectation or hope of more. What you seek might naturally evolve on its own once the pressure to find it is not there. I hope that makes sense. It’s quite possible you just haven’t met the right person yet.
3 years

Recently came out as fa to wife

Her parents have. But they’ve attributed it to enjoying the married life!

Relationship gain is a real thing. The Japanese have a word/phrase that means “gaining weight because you’re happy”
3 years

Recently came out as fa to wife

Another day of self indulgence. If she keeps this up, she will be nice and plump for when her parents come visit at christmas!

I’m glad it’s working out so well for you and her. We are just about to enter the weight gain season: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Lots of opportunity for treats, parties and over indulging. The 6 F’s: Family, friends, festivities, food, fun and fat. Add in fornication and make it the 7 F’s lol
3 years

New fat experiences/ realizations?

I went out to eat for the first time since March on Sunday. We sat out on the patio and it was a beautiful day. Thing is, I haven't been on that patio since last year and the chairs are a lot tighter now. Ngl, the feeling of my fat bulging over the arms of the chair while I stuffed myself stupid was a unique pleasure.

I do know what you mean. There is something very satisfying about that whole scenario too
3 years

Operation undoing

Glad to hear you two are back together. Sounds like you’re going to have a lot of fun fattening him again. Btw, 195 is a 25% increase. if you get him to 208, you will have increased his weight by a full third, 33%. He may start getting a little less active... What keeps him so active now?
3 years

How much fat can you gain in a month?

5kg/month is possible but most people don’t achieve that. The important thing is make sure it’s fun and enjoyable, regardless of how fast or slow it is
3 years

Where do you meet people?

There is basically nobody who has that fetish in my area :'3

John Smith:
Maybe you should try FeedeeFat...

What is this? I’m not finding any website
3 years
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