Do i look fat ?

You look like you're at that threshold where any more gains will be very visible. Don't give up, I've got a similar situation, but every time I go in the car and feel something that jiggles a little bit more than before, I get super excited to gain again. I'll usually stop at a fast food joint and pick up some more heavy cream. I'm a bit of a closet gainer myself.
6 years

Best time for heavy cream?

Hello all,
I’m still at a bit of a plateau, and I’m trying to break through it. Has anybody noticed a difference on how much it sticks based upon when they drink the heavy cream? I’ve been stuffing with fast food and while my waistline has been growing, the weight hasn’t. I’ve been hanging around 176-180 for quite some time.
6 years

Your stuffing fantasy

My fantasy is a resort where you sign up for the desired weight increase, from there you are funnel fed gainer shake every several hours, only being able to nap and sit in place in-between. Of course this whole experience is documented as the weight is gained.
6 years

First realization you were gaining

There were several years I attempted to gain, with no success. I gave it a crack again several months ago, and went on a work trip (all expenses paid), so of course we ate at plenty of expensive restaurants, and when I came back I found I had put on about 10 pounds, clothes were just a little bit tighter, but barely noticeable. One day a coworker made a comment about how I used to be so slim, and poked my belly. I had never noticed, but I had went from almost having abs, to having a significant belly bump, that I noticed later that day after walking past a mirror.

I thought to myself, "Damn, so I'm finally getting fat."
6 years

People commenting on clothes choices

Hello all,

I have been trying to gain for a bit and had hit a bit of a plateau, I didn't think anything of it, but one day a friend made a remark how it was like I was always wearing the tightest clothes I could find. (I didn't think I was). I was a little shocked at first, maybe a little embarrassed, but secretly I was pretty happy that my gain is showing. Needless to say, I bought some bigger clothes shortly after. Does anyone have the same feelings about getting called out in public like this?

Now that I think about it, every time I'd bend over, my ass would hang out, or every time I'd stretch or reach, my stomach might have shown a little bit.

I'm a little torn if I should continue to wear those old clothes now....
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

Just as an expirament before I decide to go full fatty, I'm thinking about 190-200 is what I'd like to get to. Or until I start seeing stretchmarks.
6 years

When someone has made a comment about your fitness level.

I just recently had a couple experiences like this. I was always really skinny, and over the last couple months it's started to show. At first people were remarking that I was looking good, as the fat went on evenly, favoring my pectorals (making me look stronger), but now my belly is becoming a lot more prominent. I just had somebody remarking about how skinny I used to be, and asked why I was gaining weight. I just said I've been eating a lot of fast food lately. I was pretty excited that people are starting to recognize my gain, and the next time I walked by the mirror, I thought: "Damn, I am getting fat", and I couldn't be more excited by it.
6 years

Divided on gaining weight

I enjoy my activities, I frequently will stuff myself when I'm turned on, but when I'm not turned on, I often think I need to lose some weight. However I've found that the weight doesn't really come off as easily as I put it on, and I'm happy with my weight (I'm just afraid of what's to come). Looking down at my gut eases my mind.
6 years

Does heavy cream really make a difference?

I found that by eating little for a period, then going to heavy cream and stuffing for a week, I was able to shock my body into gaining a substantial amount of weight in a short period, don't know if anybody else has the same experience.
6 years

Feeder/fa turned feedee

I was a FA for quite a while, it wasn't until about 2 years ago I started thinking how cool it would be to gain some weight myself. My significant other is on the larger side, but was insecure about herself. I thought maybe if I start putting on a few pounds she'd be more secure with her weight. (I also liked the idea of having a large belly in front of me). Thus, I dabbled here and there with stuffing, and eventually I made it a habit. With every little bit I gain, the urge to gain more gets stronger. I guess you could say that I've fully crossed into being a feedee now.
6 years