Fat girl bondage

Very practical. You always seem to be thinking, planning. smiley

Thanks. Most folks treat life like checkers. Better to play like chess and think several moves ahead.
6 years

Deviantart links

captain nesbit:
Thanks you two

I'm not starving but I'm definitely not getting my fill either

What are you looking for here then, aside from aliens you can fit in a juicer.
6 years

Deviantart links

Took a look at your tumblr and deviantart pages. You're definitely talented. I hope you're not a starving artist.
6 years

Why is gaining so addictive

I think it's the very palpable rewards...just feel them. Mmm!

So the results of the gain are the main reward to you?

Sure, if you remember the results are not limited to physical change. The results also include increase libido, sexual satisfaction, pleasing/pleasure of my partner, the occasional food orgasm, the sense of satisfaction in being observed...the list goes on.

That's quite a list! Larger and more libidinous. Now that's a combo I wish more ladies longed for.
6 years

Why is gaining so addictive

I think it's the very palpable rewards...just feel them. Mmm!

So the results of the gain are the main reward to you?
6 years

Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

Good info and interesting perspective. I'm on my way there too. smiley

That's a lovely goal. Are you looking for help getting there?
6 years

Strange fetishes related to fat.

I think it would be glorious to lactate. Growing even bigger breasts
feeding my partner
Feeling full in my breasts and belly

Yes, please!

That's not that weird. There's a lot of folks out there *cough cough* with an interest in induced lactation.
6 years

So what games are you playing?

Was playing ME Andromeda when the current Overwatch event came out, so back to that.

Unfortunately I think my graphics card is chugging a bit with Andromeda after the patch. Need to figure out a good upgrade on the cheap.
7 years

Message texts

Firefox is working fine for me. Make sure you are keeping your browser and OS up to date.
7 years

Message texts

Haven't had that issue. Maybe post what operating system/browser combo you're using?
7 years