The skirt -- story feedback

Keep it real. Get into the hows and whys of gaining. Describe the physical changes and how they feel. Explore the eroticism of gaining. You have so much territory you can cover and just the talent to cover it WELL!!
7 years

Strange fetishes related to fat.

I love the whole transformation experience, with a thin girl going from skinny to fat. There's something incredibly sensual about a woman growing and expanding becoming softer and rounder that is extremely sensual
7 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

I believe it's possible to lose one's sense of self-control, that you come to enjoy eating and feeling full ALL the time. Under those circumstances, it will be fairly nearly impossible to lose weight. I think the key isn't with you body, it's in your head!
7 years

Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

Hey, after a few less than pleasant comments from others in conversations I wondered if it was unusual for me to find the stuffing aspect of this fetish 'the exciting part.' I don't necessarily like weight gain - that's not what I look to achieve but I understand that stuffing often causes that and it doesn't mean that I don't like it when a guy has a gut there permanently - if anything it makes the whole contrast thing last a little longer. However, I don't get turned on by the thought of someone gaining weight; for me its very much the overindulgence side of things. I like it when someone purposefully over eats, I like it when someone is over full and keeps eating for me, and I like seeing the changes to their belly - watching it swell and expand or grow taunter and tighter. I also like everything that goes along with that - all the things that happen when you're stuffed silly.

But, on this community I can be treated a little strangely - border line... in fact no quite literally offensively by some members in messages etc. When they ask me questions such as "How fat do you want to make me?" or "How much more weight should I gain?" I am always honest in such questions (and fairly clear on my profile I think) and I explain that its not necessarily the weight gain that I enjoy but the feeding and stuffing aspect so I'm never sure how to answer. I've been called 'not a real feeder', told 'you're just like a chef then' and 'but how can you say that when stuffing causes weight gain so you must like it' as well as various forms of pressure (which is pretty uncool by the way - I am all for the ability to explore ones fetishes, this is what this site is for after all, but if I express a disinterest or an uncomfortablness in what exactly you like please don't try to manipulate me).

Now, don't get me wrong I am happy to indulge a guy if he wants to gain weight - in fact some of my favorite people on here have huge bellies and gain too but it's just not the exact bit of the fetish I find most alluring (a happy coincidence that these guys can over eat too). I could go on but this forum post is already endlessly long.

So my question is am I really alone on this? Does any one else also like the stuffing aspect? The being full, pigging out, over indulging? Or am I really completely alone and 'not a real feeder'?
We will always be defined by the norm and the norm for the room is about gaining and numbers. I LOVE the gaining aspect of it myself, but for me it's not about the numbers, it's about eating for pleasure and enjoyment. The gaining is collateral to the eating for enjoyment. So I'm not exactly within the norm for this community either, I just accept what and who I am and try to co-exist!
7 years

Advise on being a feeder

So I recently started hanging out with a feedee, who I am helping fatten up. I need advise on life style choices and tips she can use to fatten. Also how the stretch her stomach, Any tips or tricks will be appreciated.
The best thing you can do for your feedee is give her encouragement, particularly about her appearance. She's going to take a lot of ribbing about getting fat and how she's let herself go. Let he know that her added curves make her look even more beautiful than before!
7 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

Whenever I encounter a thin girl who wants to gain, I always warn her that if she truly lets go and genuinely gets turned on by her gaining, she'll never be thin again!
7 years

How to start gaining from a thin start?

My suggestion is NOT to try to stuff yourself. Graze all day. That's how cows do it and they look fantastic!
7 years

Double chins?

I think the thing about double chins is that you can't cover them up or disguise them!
7 years

Ever regret gaining? how do you come to terms with it?

It's easy to fantasize about gaining, it's another thing entirely to live with the consequences. There's social disapproval, of course. Then the medical profession frowns on the whole thing. And then there's the practicality of having to constantly expand one's wardrobe as one expands oneself.

The key question is how MUCH do you want it? If you're really into gaining, you'll get to be as big as yoku can dream. If not, well, that's why they call it FANTASY feeder, lol
8 years
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